2012年10月9日 星期二

Value Your Worth - The Degree of Awareness Or Consciousness, Reflects Your Level of Self-Worth

Storms of daily life have slashed and bruised your dreams and they have wounded your hearts desire, because you have allowed the agendas and benchmarks of mass consciousness to dampen the worthiness of self. Many of dualities lessons and experiences dull your spirit, because you are caught up with mass consciousness repetitive controls, limitations and hypnotic belief system and overlay structures.

When you are forced to conform to the bureaucratic benchmarks of what you are expected to be, do and have will squash your hidden and unlimited potential. Frustration builds up, rebellion rears its ugly head and you fight with your elders when your expressions are ignored and unnoticed. When you can't express you develop unsociable traits and behaviours patterns whilst a crisis and/or health problems occur. When you do express you are punished for voicing or living your truth, for being you, because their fears and perceptions didn't like what you have to say and their agendas state that your human skills may not be up to par with their social status. The 'breaking in' when you were a young child to the conditions of society actually is trying to break your spirit. It dampens the worthiness of self and suffocates the birth of your true essence, because you were taught to deny the self and serve others first.

Have you questioned to why you have relationship issues; it is because you can't love another and have a balanced and harmonious relationship until you can unconditionally love yourself. Have you ever wondered why you can't love yourself, why you can't accept yourself, why you loath and belittle yourself and why you dislike what you look like? It is because humanity has brained washed you to thinking you have to be of a certain appearance, standard and status to be worthy, you have to be well educated, skilled and well-healed to earn your worth.

To address self-worth problems can be broken down into 3 categories.

1. Wise or Foolish

2. Value or Undervalue Yourself

3. Depression or Balance

Let's take a look at each category.

1. Wise or Foolish - Can you be wise and clever to be able to love yourself so that you can inspire and expand your consciousness or are you stupid and foolish to follow the group masses, like sheep being herded into a controlled cold room? You can be clever at a physical skill or talent, you can be a brainstorm at analytical facts and figures, yet you can be foolish, dumb or unintelligent when making life's choices and decisions, you can be ignorant and unaware of what is going on behind the scenes. Many of these choices are made from the head and not the heart, many of them come from the influence of the masses, which is not your truth, but you act it out and live it as your truth. Consciousness can be high or low and it has nothing to do with being clever, intelligent or stupid or foolish - consciousness is awareness. It just reflects the stage of evolutionary growth you are at.

2. Value or Undervalue Yourself - Whatever you do in your life, don't sell yourself short, don't undervalue yourself because whatever you are aware of, you level of consciousness will dictate your level of worth. Avoid thinking too little of yourself by failing to appreciate who you are or by allowing another to carry your baggage just to suit their agendas - that appeasement, obligation and compromise will enslave and disempower you. Know that you are unique and that you have everything within you to attain anything that you desire. What you are within is reflected in the outer - to be attracted back to you. If you feel unworthy or undeserving that is what you will experience in your reality.

3. Depression or Balance - The way out of a stupid low depressive cycle is to accept it. Accept that you have been in a low unworthy state. Don't put your depressive unworthy fears and baggage under the carpet, because that will put yourself into overwhelm, before you go into hiding by following the leaders of a group into the social controlled cold room. When you close the door on any unworthy, unloving energy it leads to a frustrated angry depressive state and when you close the door on any fearful and unpleasant energy you also close the door on joy, love and hope. Balance is to accept all, the light and the dark.

As difficult as it may sound, if you can accept your unworthy depressed state, without medication, perhaps you will be willing to discover the joy in your past depressive experiences. If you are willing to embody that energy through the deep conscious breath, to go into that low energy and accept all things as they are, to have compassion for yourself without trying to control, change, force, fight or manipulate that energy, you will break open your cocoon to see the wisdom, the joy and the gift within your journey. You gave yourself the breaking in lessons to the agendas of social conditions in order to force you to turn within, by learning to love and accept the worthiness of self, as you are and for who you are and for all your experiences. That is the wisdom and the gift within each experience - to travel down the dark tunnel of unworthiness and to come out the other side to the light of awareness and worthiness.

Pamela's new revolutionary Who Am I Formula is a unique and complete report that reveals new insights, perceptions, direction and empowerment for personal or business problems, issues and challenges. It reveals new ways to address and solve problems, to expand the understanding of self-love and self-worth, the attraction of new relationships, the manifestations of abundance of all kinds, empowerment and self-awareness concepts. It provides new refreshing 'out of the mind' information that gives greater awareness, clarity, wisdom, perceptions, acceptance and understanding to inspire and expand consciousness. Please visit [http://www.whoamiformula.com] to discover new 'out of the box' insights about the Who Am I Formula.

