You transform your ideas into physical reality all the time. Were you aware of that?
It's just a matter of if you're consciously aware that you are and are you aware of what ideas that you are acting on physically. This is partly what I have been doing my best to connect with you on for the past few blog posts.
Being in awareness or living consciously.
Don't worry, it's not all psycho babble and I'll tie this into your business, whatever kind that may be, in a minute. You don't have a business? We can talk about that too. Your journey right now is about freeing up your negative emotions so that you can live consciously and take physical action towards your dreams. Rather than allowing your negative emotions to have you reacting like a ping pong ball in a wind tunnel and taking you farther away from your dreams.
Money is an energy. Your goal, if you are to be financially abundant, is to master your emotions around money. How money shows up in your life (or doesn't) is an example of how you play out your ideas about money physically. With consciousness comes clarity and purpose of the energy known as money.
Here are 3 steps towards your consciousness & clarity towards money:
1. What does the conversation around money sound like in your head?
-I never seem to be able to get a break
-If I just made another $1000 a month I would be happy
-I'm never going to be able to get ahead with this business
2. Ask yourself, "What is my relationship with money?" You will find based on your thoughts around money that the energy of money is a representation of the other energies in your life like: time, creativity, physical vitality, relationships etc. So ask yourself and write down the answers to some of these questions:
-Do I respect money?
-Do I horde money?
-Do I spend it frivolously with out care?
-What does money mean to me?
Now look at some of the areas that I mentioned above and see if you notice any energy patterns in other areas of your life.
3. Take action towards reinforcing your new awareness.
Most people are oblivious to actually looking at the fact that how they think of money, or the lack of it in their lives, is a direct reflection of what they think of themselves.
So ask yourself:
"Do I feel that I am worthy of financial abundance?"
If you come up with any other excuses other than yes... would make sense that you should start working on your self esteem, take responsibility for putting together a plan to do so and take daily actions towards improving upon your self esteem.
Take daily action however small so that you reinforce that you're worthy of that abundance.
An example would be, if you're not keeping a check register start! Know exactly where you are at all times. You will feel good about yourself for this one small accomplishment and you will feel more certain about where you're at financially.
Small successes compound into bigger ones and the exact opposite is true as well. Your small misallocations of common sense and daily inaction leads to bigger screw ups.
Master the energy of money by reinforcing daily your new awareness and more importantly letting go of the old self defeating thoughts that kept you disrespecting money.
This is the part where I don't know what exactly the rest of your journey looks like. I can only give clues as to finding your awareness and taking steps towards reinforcing it.
However you can certainly let me know how it's going. *Wink* (Hint-post or email me your awareness successes at my below webblog)
Ultimately this takes work, awareness and the will to implement it all.
"You are sculpting your life, loves & liberty with your thoughts daily."
P.S. Oh and how does this tie into your network marketing or home based business? You will attract others that think like you. How cool would that be?
Tony Teegarden is a home based entrepreneur and has been self employed for 15 years. He lives in Clearwater Florida and blogs at