Healthy and conscious living is a vital part of our evolution and ascension. In accordance with the Laws of Creation, we, human beings, are all created within the bounds of Nature's Laws just as all living things are. These simple principles of living are the very foundation of a content and healthy life. They are the core and the sacred base from which we can grow, learn, and realise our full potential.
Our body contains approximately 75 trillion cells, each one a world of its own that lives in harmony with the whole of Creation. A human being acts as a single and whole unit, gathering all the cells together. If one part of us is affected, the whole organism subsequently gets affected.
When we ignore or abuse our bodies, we break the sacred laws of existence, disconnecting ourselves from the stream of life that runs through us. When this flow is blocked, various dis-eases of the body, mind and soul will emerge as a result. This is how the Creator's force communicates with us, asking us to return ourselves back to where we truly belong - Nature and her sacred laws of existence.
Here are some of the basic elements that help us to maintain ourselves in healthful and harmonious conditions:
- Fresh air. Inhaling pure air outdoors will supply fresh oxygen to our cells, thus enhancing their vitality. Hard to believe, but the air inside people's homes can sometimes be more toxic than outside! So, keep your surroundings well-ventilated, open windows when indoors, especially during the night while asleep. Aim to spend a lot of your time outdoors on a daily basis, go for walks in parks and in wild Nature, do your sports and fitness activities outside as much as possible. By the way, going outside in what we consider "bad" weather (rain, cold, snow, etc.) is a fantastic way to get away from the limitations of your "comfort zone" so helping you to train your mind to become stronger and more resilient. This "can do" approach can then be applied to other areas of your life, so no challenge appears insurmountable.
- Sleep, rest, and contemplation. Modern human beings are largely sleep and rest deficient, which inevitably lowers their life force and leads to disease. Rest aids healing, detoxification and increases mental clarity. Adjust your routine so that sufficient sleep becomes one of your key priorities; aim to be in bed by 10pm. Turn phones, computers and other entertainment devices off, and instead, spend some time reflecting and contemplating before getting cosy in bed and shifting to your dreamland.
- Sufficient amount of sun. The energy of the sun sustains our life, as it does all life upon planet Earth, so exposing ourselves regularly to sunlight is a vital part of a healthy existence. Sunlight aids food digestion and nutrient assimilation (especially calcium), creates vitamin D, promotes healthy functioning of the glandular and nervous systems; it rejuvenates the skin, and detoxifies the body. Human beings are not actually adapted to thrive in cold climates, only to survive. So, make sure you "stock up" on sun before the winter months and consider having sunny breaks/holidays during the winter. Sunbathe only when your shadow appears to be taller than you actually are. When your shadow looks shorter than you are, the sun is too strong for sunbathing.
- Pure water. Always keep hydrated by drinking pure water in sufficient quantities. If you urinate less than 8-12 times a day, and your urine is dark yellow in colour - you are dehydrated. Dehydration is a major source of disease. If you are not used to drinking water, then you can train yourself. You can keep a bottle of spring/filtered/distilled water next to your bed and start drinking it as soon as you wake up, aiming to drink at least 1 litre of water before your breakfast. Then, take another 1 to 2 litres of water with you and drink it throughout the day. Drink water 10-15 minutes before your meals and allow a couple of hours before drinking water after your main meals (less so if you had a fruit meal or a vegetable salad). All cooked foods lack water and dehydrate our bodies. In fact, if the majority of our food is cooked, no amount of water may be able to compensate for the dehydration experienced by the body. Most fruits and vegetables have a high water content which is perfectly structured to hydrate our cells.
- Living and wholesome food. There is a tremendous amount of research that highlights a direct link between our diets and our state of health. The diet that we eat supplies fuel to our cells, upon which our health is then built. If we put dead substances and foods for which we have not been designed for into our bodies, they will not be able to function well. The most optimum diet for a human being is a plant-based and living diet that is built upon primarily fresh whole fruits, soft green vegetables and moderate amounts of nuts/seeds. Not only does this diet sustain the health of our cells and assists the well-being of our physical, mental and spiritual selves, it also promotes environmental harmony. A living and plant-based diet does not result in toxicity and is disease-healing, rather than disease building. It digests efficiently, gives us all the necessary nutrients, and oxygenates our cells. The chief toxin-forming foods and substances that contribute towards a disease formation are: drugs (legal and illegal); alcohol; nicotine; coffee and caffeine; carbonated or soft drinks; meat and animal product; all processed and tinned foods; fried or barbequed foods; additives, preservatives, as well as any other artificial ingredients; refined salt, sugar, and sugar substitutes; processed oils, and margarine; and processed starch (cakes, cookies, breads, pizzas, pastas, etc.). These substances need to be eliminated from the diet completely. The less health destroying substances we put into our bodies, and the more whole raw fruits and vegetables we include in our diet, the more cleansing, healing, and restorative opportunities we will give ourselves. Healthy eating is indeed a vast area and it will be explored further in the future health related posts. The Healthy Eating section of The Spirit of Transition book covers the diet area in greater detail, giving step-by-step recommendations on how to transition to a low-fat, raw vegan diet.
- Regular exercise. Food alone cannot and will not deliver magical results. So, a healthful diet, therefore, must be accompanied by regular exercise - life comes from movement, or motion. True health, proper food assimilation and absorption, positive thinking, focused mental mind, and a healthy emotional state (note: e-motional) cannot be experienced if no exercise is taken. The benefits of exercise are truly tremendous. Exercise is a powerful anti-stress remedy, which works to remove mental and emotional tensions and shifts a lot of stagnant energy of the past. Physical activity helps the blood to circulate, opening up the capillary system to more oxygen. It promotes muscular, cardiovascular and lymphatic health, increasing energy levels, and encouraging greater body awareness. To maintain optimum health and weight, a fast motion, aerobic-like activity needs to be performed for at least 30 minutes a day and at least 5 times a week. This can include dancing, jogging/running, brisk walking, cycling, aerobics, the use of trampoline, etc.Here is a great way to start your exercise regime. Go outdoors, start walking briskly and focus on your breathing. Inhale quickly through your nose for 4 counts and then exhale quickly through your month for 4 counts. Do this for 5 minutes to warm yourself up. Continue walking briskly, and, then, add some positive affirmations. For example: "I am a fit and healthy I simply love my life. I can achieve anything that I want. I radiate peace, harmony, and joy. I am committed to the continuous improvement of every single aspect of my life. I send love to people who are dear to me, and the planet that I live on. I am so grateful for everything I have in life. " Consider starting from 15-20 minutes to begin with, and, then, extend your brisk walks to at least 30 minutes a day, every day! When you are comfortable with brisk walking, add some jogging. Jog for just 3-5 minutes on your first day, and increase your jogging by a minute each day. You will benefit greatly from using free professional running plans that can be accessed from websites like or, where you can set your own personal running targets. Aim to include some other forms of exercise, such as swimming, hiking, stretching, yoga, chi kung, etc.
There are many other factors that contribute to a healthy existence, including: mental/emotional and spiritual mastery; positive thinking; visualisation and affirmations; life that is meaningful and has a sense of direction; personal hobbies; nurturing relationships, wider social engagements, and pretty much everything and anything that brings us health, vigour, focus, strength, expansion, joy, and harmony.
Thank you for reading!
About the Author: Yulia is an intuitive, a Natural Health and Whole/Raw Food Nutrition Coach, and the author of "The Spirit of Transition" book. Having left her previous career as a corporate diversity manager, she established a health and inner growth group in London. Back in the year of 2009, both Yulia an her husband received an inner calling to travel around the world, connecting with different cultures and visiting many of the Earth's sacred sites. The journey of their discovery is continuing to this day. Yulia's work can be found on her website at