Reader Views would like to welcome Gurdip Hari, author of
"The Conscious, Unconscious & Super-Conscious Mind." This
book explains how to find out the truth about yourself and
your purpose in life.
Juanita: Thank you for talking with us today Gurdip. Your book
"The Conscious, Unconscious & Super-Conscious Mind" takes
readers on a journey into their own mind.
What was your inspiration for writing this book?
Gurdip: My inspiration came from God, or to put it more precisely
from within, to help mankind understand how our mind functions,
why we are the way we are, why we behave as we do, and how
to change ourselves, to become happier, peaceful, successful and productive.
Juanita: Please give us an idea of this amazing journey into the mind and how your book helps
readers accomplish a more happy and successful life.
Gurdip: Life is a journey by itself, Mind is the driver, body is the vehicle and our spirit or self is the
passenger. Once we begin to understand the driver, the journey becomes amazing and enjoyable.
Finding the root cause of a problem leads to a solution, when you realize the causes behind
unhappiness and misery, you turn the tide, and as you become conscious that the present moment is all
there is, life becomes happier, successful and productive, when you start giving your best not only to
yourself, also others.
Juanita: What are the differences between the Conscious, Unconscious and the Super-Conscious
Gurdip: The Conscious mind is the 10% share-holder, Unconscious the 90, which reflects a great
imbalance. Super-Conscious mind is the state of balance between these two, when with personal
efforts as outlined in my book, you increase share of the conscious mind from 10 to 50, and
unconsciousness automatically drops down from 90 to 50. A state of 50-50 is the state of Super-
consciousness, nirvana, or enlightenment.
Juanita: It really is startling to understand that the conscious mind only participates 10%. You say
that the inner child, or the unconscious, plays games with us all our lives. Why is this, and what is is
the reward for this game playing?
Gurdip: Being the 90% share-holder of our mental domain, the unconscious mind happens to be in
complete control, and plays games to stay as a dominant force, and run our life. Just like two partners
in a company, one is a 90% share-holder and the other a mere 10, won't the major partner play
whatever games he likes? To stay in control, and have things your way, is the reward for any game
Juanita: Quite a few paths suggest that the ego must be completely let go; that the goal is to bring the
entire unconscious into consciousness. Your model is a little different in that you say the unconscious
and conscious need to share the stage at a 50-50 rate. Does this mean that the impulses of the inner
child will always be with us?
Gurdip: Positive and negative are required in equal proportions for a balanced outcome, just like
electricity coming into our homes. Imagine if 90% negative or positive comes in, what would happen?
Won't our electrical equipments blow up, in the same way 90% unconsciousness is blowing us up,
making us angry, resulting into these senseless wars, failed marriages, relationships, broken homes etc.
The impulses of the inner child need to be balanced, as they are our assets to turn into a child again.
The whole secret of turning spiritual is to become child-like, and return to that care-free, adventurous
Juanita: In your book, you compare marriage to a rosebud, saying "the ultimate purpose is for them
to blossom, to open up to each other". Why do you think so many marriages are in crisis these days,
and the divorce rate so high?
Gurdip: Marriages are in crisis and divorce rates high because of this 90-10 imbalance of the mind.
Both partners are not in control of their lives, being mere 10% share-holders; their unconscious minds
are running their affairs. As they are unable to understand their own inner child, unable to heal the deep-
rooted hurts, fears and resentments, they do not realize the meaning of love, giving, and forgiving.
When a marriage fails, both partners individually fail, and this will continue if you don't learn how to
balance your mental kingdom.
Juanita: This is so unfortunate, but really does make sense. How do parents' behaviors, personal
beliefs, insecurities, and fears contribute to the development of the unconscious mind of the child?
Gurdip: This development takes place in the first 7 years of life. During this stage the child's mind is
highly telepathic and picks not only what he sees his parents doing, but also what is going on in their
minds. It is so simple to have the kind of children you would like to have, if we understand that the
basic foundation as to how the child will behave as an adult, is laid in the first 7 years. So we need to
change ourselves, and become what we wish our children to be, in thought, word and deed. As we
sow, so shall we reap!
Juanita: Speaking about the first 7 years of life, in your book you talk about the different stages of
development and how they relate to the chakras. The seven chakras are activated in 7 year cycles until
the last chakra, the crown chakra, is activated by age 49. If we are able to reach this point, what
happens after age 49?
Gurdip: Then you are all set to enter the state of super-consciousness or enlightenment,
to fulfill your purpose on earth. In the olden days, 50 was the retirement age, and on an average people
lived up to 100 years, an indication that the material part of the journey ended at 50, and the remaining
years were meant for spiritual attainment.
Juanita: How important do you feel religion or spirituality is to the development and fulfillment of a
conscious individual?
Gurdip: It is the proper understanding of religion and spirituality which is important. We have to
clearly see the difference between a sect, race, and religion. My understanding of religion is that we
are sent to earth with a specific purpose or mission, and each of us is given a unique talent to fulfill it.
The day a person realizes, he is here on a mission, he's turning religious, and the day you find that
unique talent, polish it up, and begin to serve mankind with it, you are then walking the path of religion.
Spirituality simply means a person who has found his spirit, mission and purpose, and is moving
forward with total enthusiasm, dedication and happiness to accomplish it.
Juanita: You go into depth in your book about meditation. What types of meditation are you
referring to, and please tell us a little about the purpose of meditation.
Gurdip: Meditation simply means to be focused on what you are doing at a particular moment. For
example if you are concentrating on your breathing, just focus on that, don't let the mind wander away
to other areas. The purpose of meditation is to sharpen your focus, in order to fully enjoy the things
you do in your normal life on a daily basis. For example, if you are eating, driving, cooking, or
showering, you should be enjoying those acts fully, not let the mind wander away to problems and
tasks which are to be done later.
Juanita: What is the main motivation for an individual to enter into the type of self reflection talked
about in "The Conscious, Unconscious & Super-Conscious Mind"?
Gurdip: To be able to realize who you are, beyond the limits of death and birth, your true nature and
purpose on earth. Even if that is not your goal, imagine the kind of blissful state you can be in, when
you are able to balance the two segments of your mind, and attain your dreams, goals, improve
relationships, and enjoy every single moment, every day of your life.
Juanita: How do ones thoughts influence physical health?
Gurdip: Basically it all begins from a thought, which happens to be the seed. Once our mind is
balanced, it will emit balanced thoughts, and lay the foundation for health and other important things in
life. Every one desires good physical health, which comes from a balance of proper exercise and
nutrition. In fact my next book, Mental, Physical & Spiritual Health, due for release in late 2006, deals
with this subject in detail.
Juanita: We will be eagerly awaiting your next book. It sounds like it will complement "The
Conscious, Unconscious, and Super-Conscious Mind" very well. Tell us about your humanitarian
work and the influence of your father in your present pursuits.
Gurdip: It is my dream to help increase love and human consciousness, and to build educational
institutes in Africa, to provide free education to under-privileged children, and 50% of my publishing
income is going towards this. My Father served mankind in the best way he could, he was not a
certified doctor, but practiced Homeopathy as a hobby, and healed countless souls with free medicines
and positive words. I grew up seeing him do all this, and when he completed his journey on earth in
March 2000, a deep desire developed in my heart to carry on his good work. I semi-retired from
computer business in January 2001 to embark on this journey to serve mankind, and God guided me
into writing inspirational materials, and learn natural healing techniques like Reiki. I continue my work,
sharing knowledge with the world through my website,, my books, and
motivational talks, enjoying every single moment, and gradually moving forward toward fulfillment of
my mission on earth, one day at a time.
Juanita: Thank you for sharing your thoughts and enlightening book with us today. You have given
us much to think about. We respect your mission and look forward to your next book. Are there any
last thoughts you'd like to share with your readers?
Gurdip: Life is a gift, every day is a new beginning, take time to enjoy nature and to be with the ones
you love, count each blessing like children count stars, live every moment to the fullest by giving your
best in each situation. Don't wait; celebrate right now, a life full of joy, full of love, full of peace.
Juanita Watson is the assistant editor for Reader Views.