2012年7月26日 星期四

12 Keys to Healthy Conscious Living

Would you like to know what you can do to prevent disease and heal yourself? You may be surprised at the idea that you can be healthy. The truth is that you do have the power to maintain good health. Even if you have inherited tendencies, or your parents have or had serious diseases, you do not have to suffer from the same afflictions.

To begin with, it is necessary to make a commitment to yourself to live consciously. That means to be aware of what you are doing, thinking, and feeling. It includes the realization that you can always make healthy choices in every aspect of your life. Your conscious decisions are the best health insurance you can have, and it is free.

As a marriage, and family therapist, intuitive counselor, and author, I have helped many clients feel better, improve their health, and prevent problems by teaching them how to live consciously. I, myself, have chosen this path, and as a senior citizen, I am healthier than I was 30 years ago. "Retirement" is not in my vocabulary. I have touched millions of people and I am just getting warmed-up. I am not concerned about the "popular" killer diseases that afflicted my parents. Conscious living has helped me rejuvenate, and avoid operations, medications, and expensive medical tests, and it can help you, too.

The following are 12 choices you can make to help you heal, rejuvenate, and maintain a healthy body. If they are new to you, relax, focus on one at a time and go at your pace. Set your intent to live consciously, and you are likely to succeed.

1) Choose to be positive. Kind and loving thoughts and feelings literally relax our bodies and allow our organs and glands to receive what they need to be healthy. On the contrary, negative thoughts and feelings constrict our bodies, and our cells are deprived of what they require to function normally. Try this experiment. Notice how your body feels when you say, "I am stressed," compared to, "I am grateful." Did you notice the difference? Pay attention to how your body feels as you speak and think. Let go of negative words and thoughts, and change them to positive ones.

2) Choose to be true to yourself and others. To be in our joy, we need to be who we are and express our truth in loving ways. When we withhold things we want to say to others, or stop ourselves from doing what we love, our bodies constrict. Have the courage to follow your dreams and desires.

3) Choose healthy food and drinks. Read all the labels, and find out what ingredients you may be ingesting. Avoid toxic preservatives and high sugar, salt, or fat content. The higher prices of organic foods are much less than drug and doctor expenses.

4) Choose a specific diet for your needs. Everyone is different, and some foods are healthy for some and poisonous for others. For example, many people are allergic to nuts, dairy, eggs, wheat, and corn. Find out what your body needs to avoid.

5) Choose to drink enough healthy water. Only drink filtered or purified water that has minerals and is free of toxins and chemicals.

6) Choose non-toxic personal care and cleaning products. Whatever we smell, or put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies and affects our cells in positive or negative ways. Avoid poisoning yourself with toxic products.

7) Choose to be ph balanced (acid and alkaline). Our immune system weakens and germs do well in an acidic body. It is easy to find out your score with ph paper. Generally speaking, most vegetables and fruits are alkalizing and balance the acidity of grains and proteins.

8) Choose anti-oxidants. Many studies show that anti-oxidants are extremely important for our bodies.

9) Choose appropriate stretches and exercise for your body type and condition. Find out what your body needs and wants, and set up a regular routine.

10) Choose to be your desired weight. If you decide to join a diet program, make sure it is also healthy and retrains your eating habits so that you can maintain your desired weight.

11) Choose to laugh and balance your life. Laughter, rest, alone time, and play are rejuvenating. Consider them necessities, and add them to your schedule.

12) Choose to be sociable and give to others. Positive, fun people can help you be the same. Making a difference in other people's lives also helps you feel good.

These are some important ways you can choose to be in control of your health and well-being. There are many wonderful articles and books written on these important topics. My goal was merely to awaken you to ways you can enjoy a healthier life. No matter your age or state of your physical condition, these conscious choices can be extremely beneficial. You can enjoy a healthy, fulfilling life.

Copyright 2008 by Helene Rothschild, MS, MA, MFT, a Marriage, Family Therapist, intuitive counselor, author, and speaker. Her newest book, "All You Need Is HART! Create Love, Joy and Abundance- Now!" A unique guide to Holistic And Rapid Transformation, is a manual for life and helps people to "love themselves to peace." She offers telephone sessions, books, e-books, MP3 audios, CDs and a free newsletter, "Truths Set You Free" e-book and "Healing Your Body" mp3 audio. http://www.lovetopeace.com - 1-888-639-6390.

