All your life you closed off learning with the thought or words, "I know that!"
Your brain and mind want to keep you safe--and stuck where you are. Your brain and mind want you to believe that change is scary and may hurt you.
So when new information that could help you move into a new place in life comes your way, one of the most powerful tricks your ego employs is telling you, "I know that!"
You shut down when you hear your Little Voice tell you, "I know that!" You close off the channel of new information. If you are listening to someone talk you stop listening to the speaker.
You allow your Little Voice to take over and drown out the speaker. This is not your intuitive voice that moves you forward but your reptilian brain Little Voice that keeps you stuck. That Little Voice will distract you with thoughts that tell you that you need to go to the restroom or that you are thirsty. It will try to convince you that you have other better things to do. It may even make you so tired so that you fall asleep.
What can you do to eliminate that reptilian Little Voice, and stay present, so you can allow yourself to hear and process new information? You can turn off that Little Voice and ignore its constant message, "I know that!" How?
Cut it off immediately before it begins to control your thinking. Tell that Little Voice, "Thank you for sharing." Simple, yes? You may need to repeat that phrase frequently. It will work every time.
But how can you tell if you really do know what the speaker is saying? The fact is when you know something you live it. Until you live it you do not know it. You only know about it.
Knowing and living something is vastly different from knowing about something.
Live consciously with full awareness.
Warning: Do not neglect the above information! Make sure to take this advice seriously if you want to live in happiness.
STOP! Are you about to give up being happy forever?
If what you do every day has not let you create a reality of happiness yet, do you really think anything will look different tomorrow?
Discover what stops you cold. Go to and grab my FREE ebook, What You Don't Know You Don't Know.
And remember... Don't give up hope... You deserve to be happy.