2012年7月29日 星期日

Living Consciously is More Than What Happens in Meditation

When you read or hear people talk about conscious living it is most often in the context of meditation, spirituality, yoga, eating vegan and other green or healthy ways of living.  But  what happens to the mundane side of life when you live more consciously?  When you are awake you also become conscious of your dirty refrigerator shelves, dust under  the armoire, and  dust-balls, pens and paperclips stuck between your couch cushions. Or more precisely, the thought to look between your couch cushions will enter your heightened state of awareness.

Living consciously carries a responsibility of a more mundane sort too. It means caring enough to clean the fridge shelves- after all, no one really sees them but you. And that layer of dust that caught your eye while you were on the floor hugging your dog, well who gets down on the floor by the armoire besides you? It's an inner thing and you don't have to take the responsibility until you want to. The want seems to come with living consciously.

There is a joyfulness in cleaning and everday tasks in our homes. The joy comes from the knowing that as you clean your home you are  cleaning The Universal  home. In essence, you are saying to the sacred home of all living things "I will take care of you, just as the Universal Source of all things takes care of me."

The difference is people shut their eyes on their responsibilities sometimes and The Universe never does. 

Few people would disagree that the mundane aspect of life can be difficult, unappreciated and tedious. It seems never ending and for not a short time later. Yet spiritual leaders teach us to learn to love the uncomfortable. Embrace the uncomfortable tasks, events, even crisies in our life, for within these experiences lies the next opportunity for deepening your conscious awareness and spiritual understanding.

Consciously living every opportunity in your daily activities, offers you the discovery of a deeper meaning, perhaps a deeper understanding of your spiritual path. In either case it helps to lighten the task at hand, as cleaning with a joyful sacred approach makes it  easier and go faster. Embrace the mundane for it is rich with opportunity.

Living to Make Sense of It All http://livingtomakesenseofitall.com discusses and provides insight into conscious living, spirituality, meditation, journaling, green living as they relate to every day life and more. Written by Kimberly Wulfert, PhD, psychologist. The complete article with a most unusual picture of a refridgerator in desperate need of cleaning continues at http://livingtomakesenseofitall.com/2009/06/13/conscious-living-is-also-cleaning-out-your-fridge/

