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Home Page > Health > Alternative Medicine > Various Options for Anti Aging Eye Cream at Home Various Options for Anti Aging Eye Cream at Home Posted: Jun 13, 2012 |Comments: 0 |

The market is loaded with anti aging eye cream, which claims to be more effective for keeping your eyes healthy.? However, these products are not only costly, but also have tremendous side effects, which can be seen after its usage. Therefore, using remedies easily available at home is far safer than inviting trouble. ??
Mostly people having under eye dark circles and wrinkles opt for eye creams. Following are some of the anti aging eye cream options, which are quite simple with the easily available ingredients at home –
You can apply juice of half a tomato mixed with juice of half a lemon around your eyes, which will improve the appearance of the skin around the eyes. You can also apply potatoes, cool tea bags or cucumber on the area around the eyes to reduce the puffiness of eyes as well as make the skin look glowing and younger.
The above simple remedies can be followed twice a day by taking little time from your busy schedule. You can also buy packed capsules of Vitamin E, cocoa butter and lanolin from the market, which has longer shelf life and if you want to mix mint or aloe vera in your oil or cream, you can buy these plants, which are quite inexpensive. Including fresh vegetables, fruits and good sleep is also essential along with the external application of these creams. ?
Green Tea and Cucumber cream for Eyes – Take mineral water of eight ounces and place 2 bags of green tea in it and leave it for many hours.? Now, slice a peeled cucumber and blend it in a bowl with 8 ounces of mineral water, cover it and place it in the refrigerator for quite some time.
Now, place 2 tablespoons of grated beeswax in saucepan heating it on low flame. Add 6 tablespoons of chamomile oil, coconut oil and sesame oil in it. Place another saucepan on flames and add 5 tablespoons of water of cucumber and green tea. Now, combine all these ingredients of both the saucepans as well as the mineral water mixture of green tea bags and cucumber and mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula. When the cream reaches the room temperature mix 10 drops of infused oil of carrot.
Lavender Oil Cream for Eyes – Heat 1 tablespoon of all the oils of avocado, jojoba, almond and flax seed on a low flame in a saucepan. Now, add 2 tablespoons of oil of lanolin and mix it well together. Head 2 tablespoons of rosewater in a separate saucepan on a low flame and when it is still warm add rosewater to the saucepan with all the oils and mix it well. Now, remove pan from the flame and allow it to cool. When the ingredient is little lukewarm, add 2 drops lavender oil at this stage and store it in a clean bottle and keep it under refrigeration.
Raw Potato Cream for Eyes - This is the simplest home remedy for anti aging eye cream, which can be easily made at home and it is also quite effective for keeping the skin around the eyes glowing and young. For this you will have to mix 2 tablespoons of grated potato in 1 tablespoon of lukewarm petroleum jelly. Store it in a clean jar under refrigeration for an hour. Now, dab some of this cream on the eye area and see the magic of reducing the swelling making your skin around the eyes glow.
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Roy Chavarcode is a member of Chavarcode Ayurveda family. The Chavarcode family is from India and is highly reputed for their knowledge in the great tradition in Ayurveda, India's ancient and holistic method of treatment.?http://www.gurusgarden.com
Questions and Answers Ask our experts your Alternative Medicine related questions here... Ask 200?Characters left When to start using anti aging creams Do anti aging skin care products really work? I am 62 and have never used ANY skin products except hand lotion! Have some wrinkles. Would be great to not have them. Don't want to waste my money! What are the best eye creams ? Rate this Article 1 2 3 4 5 vote(s) 0 vote(s) Feedback Print Re-Publish
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By: Roy Chavarcodel Health> Alternative Medicinel Jun 11, 2012 Discuss this Article Author Navigation My Home Publish Article View/Edit Articles View/Edit Q&A Edit your Account Manage Authors Statistics Page Article Widget My Home Edit your Account Update Profile View/Edit Q&A Publish Article Author Box
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