In the times we are living in, paramount on most American's minds are all things financial. How much money did I lose? How am I going to survive now that I have lost my job? Where am I going to live now that I have lost my home? Wow! These are serious concerns! How in the world did so many people from one of the richest nations in the world find so many of its citizens in this dilemma? What got us here for heaven's sake?
Well in a word... consciousness! Your consciousness, my consciousness... OUR consciousness! Yes for years now we have been living in a consciousness of fear and lack. This multiplied even more so after September 11, 2001. In September 2008, seven years later, the financial system in America was announced as being seriously ill. Isn't it curious that in Colin Tipping's book Radical Forgiveness he states that all cancer is preceded by depression which usually occurs around 7 years prior to the diagnosis of the cancer? In 2001 our country went into an emotional depression and now we are living with the cancer-like results!
It is so important that we all awaken to the fact that our consciousness both individually and collectively creates the world that we live in. If we don't learn how to shift out of negative thinking we will continue to suffer these kinds of severe consequences.
Too many of us think only of what we DON'T have. That gets us more of the same... not having! In the Bible's book of Luke (19:26) it says "For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him." (KJV) Why is that? It is because the Bible is a story about man's consciousness and if our consciousness got us into a state of lack in the first place, of course it is going to cause us to continue to lose even what little we may have. This becomes true for whatever lack we are experiencing be it a job, a relationship, fun, time, friends... whatever. If you think all the time that you are short of something, you will be! God always says yes to whatever you believe!
We Americans spent a lot of time and energy focusing on our lack of security back in 2001. Today how much more insecure could we get than to have our banking systems collapsing all around us? Jobless rates are growing and the news media is spewing more fear across the airwaves than ever in history! It is extremely challenging not to buy into the mass hysteria! It really does feel like the sky is falling!
So what is the solution? How does one feel prosperous in times such as these? We as individuals and as a people must stop thinking of how "BAD" things are! As mentioned we are still one of the richest countries in the world - financial crisis notwithstanding! We have so much more than so many on the Earth... even our homeless have access to food, shelter and indoor plumbing if they choose it in most cities. No we don't have all of our problems solved and many are indeed suffering in the US, but our state-of-mind is the cause of these problems and changing it will be our only solution!
We must learn to think abundance. We must claim it, pronounce it and sing it to the high heavens!! We are all made in the image and likeness of God which means that we are all creators. We are given free will to create luxury or lack. Really God doesn't care since ultimately we will all return to "It" one day. How we choose to spend our time on Earth is just that, our choice. God will not interfere yet being the Source of our supply "It" will give us whatever we choose. We choose by our beliefs and our focus. Believe and ponder on what we can't have or can't do and sure enough we won't have and we won't do. Believe and focus on what we can have and do and we will have and we will do! The election of President Barack Obama is a great example of what we can do when we collectively put our minds to something!
Now from a different perspective, what is prosperity really? Is it a big house and a big car joined at the hip with big mortgages and big car notes? Or is being prosperous having fun with friends and family even if it is in a smaller home? Is it yummy and healthy food cooked at home? Or must it be fine dining at a 5 star restaurant?
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with having a wealthy lifestyle if you really enjoy it. I wonder what percentage of people feel as good working themselves like crazy to keep all that they have obtained. How many really like the hours that they have to work? How many like the job, the politics, and the stress? If people were truly honest - are they happy? Are they at peace? Or are they just keeping up a front so no one knows how miserable they are?
Henry David Thoreau said that "the mass of men lead quiet lives of desperation". Many of the people that I see in my work are sad, lonely and in pain. They are not happy with their jobs, their spouses, their children or their lives. Why are so many people, many who claim to be "spiritual or people of faith", living like this? I think it is because we are taught early in life by our families and society to hide our truths. We are afraid to admit we don't like what is going on in our lives for fear that we will be ostracized as "not good enough." We have to save face, stuff our true feelings so we will be accepted in the world. Is that prosperity? I don't think so!
If you are in this category of people who are struggling along (with or without "stuff") please stop now! Please take on a sincere spiritual practice if you don't have one. Learn to meditate daily to connect with your Source and tap the infinite power that is available to you. Also be sure to pray without ceasing! Converse with God, your angels, your ancestors your guardians and your guides! They are really there and they only want to help, but will not without your permission. Practice gratitude, forgiveness and self-love with abandon! Begin now to trust your Higher Self. Talk to it daily and give it permission to take your life over.
Give up all blame and stop complaining! You can actually do that! Try it!! Forgive everyone...radically!! Practice loving and honoring the divinity in everyone you meet and interact with. Decide what would make you happy and do whatever you must to create that world for yourself. Know that the power is within you and you must stay conscious of that with every step you take! If you must, fake it until you make it and don't hesitate to ask for support along the way.
Don't settle for society's stress filled idea of prosperity! Define it for yourself and go for it! Turn that T.V. news off and begin to enjoy your life again. You get what you focus on, so focus on the good. Focus on God. Focus on love and turn away from fear.
If you see your friends focusing on lack and living their own quiet lives of desperation, tell them your truth. Share with them your intent to shift your life and it will give them the permission some folks need to do the same. Then one-by-one we will take each other's hands and change our minds about what defines prosperity. We'll stop living in fear of loss, we'll appreciate all that we have already been given and we'll start sharing our love and our resources. Did you know that in this world there is enough food to feed every hungry person on the planet with plenty to spare? If we only stopped grasping and hoarding and started operating from a mind-set that says that there is enough to go around then there would be!
Help someone else feel safe and you will be telling your subconscious that you are safe. That is what prosperity is to me, feeling safe, secure... warm and happy. If we begin to bond one with another... sharing our resources, money food, shelter, our warmth and our love, how can we not feel prosperous?
It can happen. We can all make this world a joyful, safe prosperous place. Your spiritual self knows what to do. Will you listen to it?
Kym Kennedy is a certified Radical Forgiveness and personal Life Coach. Using the simple but effective Radical Forgiveness tools, Kym helps people to acknowledge those areas of the sub-conscious mind that block them from realizing their full potential! For more information on Kym Kennedy and the Radical Forgiveness methodology, please visit