Getting Rich Versus Living Rich
Recently, a successful businessman told an audience how he had made millions of dollars, bought a luxury home and luxury cars and had everything that showed he was successful. Yet he was miserable. He had learned to control the process by which he attained wealth, but he had not learned to live life by design.
The businessman went on to tell the story of how he began to focus on what he really wanted. Not what other people said he should want, but what he actually wanted his life to be like. He had used the power of his mind to make money; now he was going to use the power of his mind in a different way.
In his journal he wrote details of what kind of house he wanted to live in, details of what kind of work he wanted to do, and details of what he did for enjoyment. Then he closed his journal, and forgot about what he wrote.
Less than half a year later, the businessman moved his family to a new home far from where he had lived his whole life. He worked fewer hours than before, yet made more money. He not only enjoyed his free time, his work was also fun. One day he came across his old journal and opened it. He was astonished to see that the life he described in his journal matched in detail the life he was now living. That is why he was driven to tell an audience not about business techniques, but about how we can use the power of our minds to design the life we want.
Life By Design or Life as a Feather
In the movie, "Forrest Gump," in the opening sequence we see a feather wafting in the air, wandering from place to place and finally landing wherever the wind carries it. Forrest Gump's question was, "Do we control our destiny, or does it just happen?" Do we just go along with whatever life brings us or do we decide the course of our own lives? For Forrest Gump, it could be both. Floating through life like a feather may be the easy way, but it could lead to unwanted destinations. Living life by design, on the other hand, means using the power of the mind to cause life to bring us what we want.
Countless stories have been told of people using their minds to achieve amazing feats: Houdini gained amazing control over his muscles and breathing to become the illusionist and escape artist that he became. Uri Zeller is well-known for his ability to move things telekinetically or change their physical structure by using his mind. The most successful athletes, artists, writers, business men, and professionals of every kind, attribute their success to tapping the power of the mind.
Where men and women have achieved feats and success like those mentioned, they have tapped their mind power to control some part of their being. Ironically when it comes to designing your life, you must learn to let go of control and focus only on what it is that you want.
The Ego and the Conscious Mind
The ego is defined as "the self." A large ego is one that seeks a lot of attention, and the thoughts are directed mainly toward self-satisfaction. A small ego is one that seeks less attention, and self-satisfaction is not a big priority. The size of your ego is not a significant factor in using the power of your mind. What is significant is how much you allow your ego to influence your thinking.
Whether large or small, the ego seeks control of the process of achievement. That process begins in thought. And thought is the function of the conscious mind. It is in the conscious mind that we formulate goals and design plans to achieve them. In using the conscious mind to control the process of achievement, the conscious mind satisfies the ego. Great achievers such as Houdini have tapped the power of their conscious minds to attain remarkable control over themselves.
Immense as the potential power of the conscious mind is, the power of the subconscious mind is infinitely greater. The subconscious mind is connected to the life force that keeps your lungs breathing and your heart beating whether you are awake or asleep. Active thought does not occur in the subconscious mind. Nor does logical reasoning, nor planning, nor any of those functions associated with the conscious mind. However, the subconscious mind does find solutions to problems.
Let Go of the Ego - Use the Power of the Subconscious Mind to Design Your Life
One of the greatest challenges in designing your life is removing yourself from the process. We are conditioned from a young age to want to control all aspects of our lives. We determine our goals and we plan how to achieve them. We use the power of our conscious minds, but we neglect the greater power of our subconscious minds.
People who have attracted into their lives not only material success but also the joy of living the exact life they dream of have learned to allow their subconscious minds to solve problems. They use their conscious minds to create visions and goals. Then they allow the subconscious mind to go about manifesting those visions and goals.
Using the power of the mind to manifest what you want in life is simple to explain, however may be difficult to accomplish because we are not used to relinquishing control. Design your life by envisioning, in as much detail as possible, everything that you want. What is your house like? What do you do in the morning and in the afternoon. How do you spend your evenings? What material things do you own?
Create the ideal life in your mind, then let go of the need to attain it. Keep your ideal life in the front of your mind as much as possible, but resist the need to control the process by which it is achieved. Allow the subconscious mind, with its infinite resources, to do its job of bringing your vision into reality. To live life by design means to consciously conceive of everything you want to do and have, then using the power of the subconscious mind to make it all happen.
Go beyond the superficial. Really learn how to use the power of your mind at the Friendly Universe. Live life by design.