To many people who use the referent, "I am", or "I", they are essentially denoting ego or self. A construct of mind. But for the majority, rarely is mind the one in operational control. The ego/self makes every effort to appear in thoughtful control of every situation presented it. It estimates outer circumstances strategically to determine how to modify its approaches to manipulate results.
Mostly these results are to satisfy some form of pleasure valuation that feeds a habit or addiction of ego. The ego longs for prestige, titles, posturing for appearances sake, to receive favorable responses from others who are just as benighted just as lost in the fog of an unawakened self. It assumes positionalities that further fragments reality as it is, so that reality reflects what 'it' is......a projection of the unreal.
This is not to say that one shouldn't consider themselves beautiful, smart, healthy and whole. But ego doesn't wish to work with these as perspectives and as a means of demonstration of higher truths. It would rather sell the effect or illusion of such to gain a nothing it believes is something. It seeks applause, admiration and validation of it's worth from the outer world of reactionary circumstance.
There is one Spiritual Law that reads, "Like attracts like."
For many who are caught in the ego programming of the restless search for meaning and value based upon the exchange rate of pleasure to and for the ego, there lives end up in painful struggles. They make every attempt to control situations so that they are favorable to their sense of self-esteem, relative to the ego. Some have relationships fall apart, not because there was an absence of communication, but because the ego of the other or themselves can no longer receive pleasure signals in the communication. A pleasure for the ego's appetites and addictions for more attention. They can no longer manipulate an other's emotional response to favor them. They move from attraction to attraction with no lasting capacity because ego must be center stage in the other's considerations, first. A chore even for the most interested of partners.
In the Pathless Path writings, The Microcosm, (a work in progress) I show how easy
it is to participate free from the need of ego identification(s). Easy in respect that the process is direct and to the point, that to come Awake, one doesn't have to learn anything they don't already understand or know, but to "unlearn" the collective delusional conclusions that one has been brainwashed and indoctrinated to accept from both school, religion, parents, etc, to the point of becoming a "sim".
Once participate in pure beingness, in a field of radiant consciousness, and mind will become a powerhouse of a servant, and ego part of an artful show of expression. Once truly awake, one doesn't live in denial of ego, or attempt to control ego either by negation or forceful means. One finds that ego is a tool for expression in outer life, reflecting and demonstrating inner truths and our authentic connectivity with them. We may still smile at an individual when we don't feel like it, but it isn't a means of manipulation for them to favor us or manipulate their consideration of perceiving us as being nice to that we can take advantage of a situation.
No, we smile because we realize the need(s) of the other, for either the feedback of a smile from us, or to reflect outward, our poise with the situation presented, no matter how unpleasant.
Once we are fully participant in and with consciousness, one finds inspiration in the middle of a common ordinary moment. If you can't find inspiration within the context of day to day life, where will you find it? Can you find inspiration by or in fantasy, and if so, will that fantasy translate as fuel that ignites a Love of the art of life? Or will the constant appetite for gratification of the ego via the senses leave a sense of rapture to build hope for all of your tomorrows?
There is a difference between being awake and being asleep, between being miserable and discovering joy, and the difference is the amount of conscious awareness you are able to be awake to and use. There are two phases to a single dynamic as regards Conscious Awareness. One, we have the origination of it all, Awareness. Two, we have the field of operation in which Awareness manifests ideas into things, Spirit into things like trees, metals, etc, a field in which the knower and the known remain as one even as all of manifestation appears to have variable energy contact with it.. From a graviton pulse vortex to entire world systems, Consciousness is the field in which all live move and have their being.
Everything arises within the field of Consciousness. From the God perspective, universes teeming with life. Life in multiple dimensions, such as a civilization that is able to live on the surface of a sun or star, in a different dimension of phase space. Even the smallest elements like quarks and neutrons, pulse and vibrate according to intelligent design and
patterns. From the human perspective, a moments inspiration results to an idea, that builds in the mind from multiple angles of mental observation. The individual believing in this mental vision engages the mind through physical activity of thinking then acting upon what is thought. The effect or result appears. Computers, automobiles, tri-phase digital picture images from HD televisions, these are the creations of man, and woman, at their level of involvement and abilities with and through Consciousness.
You see, the Divine originates sensation and the objects of sensation, through Awareness and Consciousness.
To close let me pass on to you the words of dear friend Jose Arguelles, from his book "The Mayan Factor", in it, I found an inspirational view of Awareness and Consciousness in harmonic operation.
From "The Mayan Factor"...
Looking through a vibratory lens of reality rather than an atomistic, The Mayan Factor finds a world of coherence and unity, a resonant matrix within which information transmission is virtually instantaneous. This I call the
'principle of harmonic resonance'. Resonance means the quality of sounding. To resonate is to reverberate. Reverberation implies give and take, the definition of communication which is always simultaneous and between at least two agents. Any communication implies an exchange of information. Resonance is information. The essence of information, then, it not it's contents but its resonance. This is why feeling or sensing things is so important.
To sense resonance of incoming information co-creates a resonant field. If we try to conceptualize experience before we have actually resonated with the experience, the field is off or even broken. When people speak of resonance, they also speak of frequencies and tones. Frequency refers to rate of vibration. As everybody knows, there are higher and lower rates of vibration, while all vibration is pulsation of waves. A frequency held for but a single wave-cycle, otherwise known as a beat,
becomes a tone. A tone, then, is any sustained frequency whose level determines which of our sense organs may be affected. Touch has its tones, perfume is a tone of the sense field of smell, even mind experiences its high-frequency sensory tones. Inclusive of all sense-fields, harmony is the synchronization of two or more tones. The skill in synchronizing tones and synthesizing sense-fields is an art as much as a science.
For a moment, picture, a science and art, that has with it the capacity to identify consciousness with resonance and ride the frequencies of different levels of reality.
Universe is mind, and the different qualities of mind can be described by simple, whole-number relations. What we call matter represents different tones holding together as a harmonic frequency spectrum perceptible to the sense of touch. Like all other resonant experiences, matter can be represented by whole-number relations. As any mathematician knows, number itself is a purely mental structure. A further corollary is the universality of consciousness. In actuality there is only consciousness---intelligent energy---be it a piece of quartz, an ant, a human, or something beyond. Everything is alive. There is nothing without feeling. This field of reality is saturated with purpose. In this view, the form of things is the shape of Consciousness at a particular resonant frequency juncture. A resonant frequency juncture can be defined as the synchronization of two or more tonal spectrums which join momentary need with universal purpose. - Jose Arguelles
Hopefully you can see how rich of an experience life is. And only you can make it richer by being Awake.
Garwin is a Living Teacher. He is the creator of