In a world that demands more from us with each passing day, we have come to rely on time more than ever before. Our lives are scheduled down to the minute. You know that it takes you exactly thirteen minutes to get from your driveway to your parking spot at work if you leave at exactly 7:44. A minute sooner, or later, and you will have to deal with school buses at some point. It is crazy. However, it does not have to be that way.
Time is not real; it is nothing more than a measurement created by man that enslaves us to a schedule over which we have no control. Time is a construct that removes our ability to live consciously and revel in the world around us, but what would happen if that construct were removed.
The Past and Future Are Mind Tricks
Take a minute (there is that time thing again) to think about what the past and future really are. The past is simply a memory accessed in the now. Future events are also nothing more than mind tricks. Any thoughts you have of the future can only take place in the now. Time is nothing more than a measure created to serve as a reference point for recalling events.
An unfortunate by-product of that measure has been our need to live by the clock instead of choosing to live consciously and receive the most stimulation from every moment. Living consciously does not mean becoming an unreliable, reckless menace, but it does mean that you can derive ultimate joy and freedom by escaping the clock in your head and tuning into the mind-consciousness connection.
Only A Point of Reference
Connecting with your consciousness means breaking the belief that time is real. Our brains are programmed to rely on time since birth. We have feeding times, school times, work times, and all sorts of other times that we have to schedule. Our lives seemingly depend on time. By making time a real and physical entity, we are forced to abide by its rules and often lose the ability to enjoy each moment to its fullest. Time is not a line drawn in the sand; it is not a building, or a person. It is simply a measure we use as a point of reference. Time is made up of constantly changing events in the now. Freeing yourself, and giving way to your consciousness allows you to experience each moment in its truest form.
The Only Moment You Have Is Now
Getting in touch with your consciousness is dependent on your ability to remove your mind from the physical world. Before you can live consciously you must dispel the notion that the physical world is 'real' and realize that time is nothing more than an illusion our minds have been trained to create.
Once you have pushed aside the physical 'realities' and allow a connection with your conscious self, you will come to realize that only the now exists. Past memories and future hopes are nothing more than illusions created within the constructs of time. Moving past those constructs allows you relish the moment you are in for what it truly is.
The only chance you have to make changes, the only moment that exists, is NOW. Once you have tapped into the mind-consciousness connection you will be able to stop plotting future moves, and realize the only chance to set yourself free is the only moment there is, NOW.
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