Money means different things to different people. For many, it signifies the opportunity to acquire and achieve things that would not be possible otherwise. However, as surprising as this may be, even with money many people are still unable to get hold of the things they always wanted to have. This is because they are missing an essential component for experiencing an abundant life... they are lacking a wealth consciousness mindset.
People who have this mindset spend more time focusing on all aspects of abundance, and this is how they end up getting all what they desire in life. This is correlated to the Law of Attraction and it applies to all areas of life, money included.
But let's remember that money is only one representation of wealth. When people have a certain level of wealth consciousness they are likely to bring about a certain amount of wealth which becomes tangible in the form of money. This is the case of most people who have enough money for the basics of life, but never seem to get enough for all the other things they want.
Thus, they must work on developing their wealth consciousness mindset; they ought to focus their attention on the bigger picture, not just on acquiring money. This encompasses all aspects of the kind of life they want to live; and how they want to manage, spend, save, share, and distribute their wealth; for true wealth is much more than money itself.
By birthright, we are all predisposed to living in wealth, just as we are to having other successes in life. But knowing that we deserve wealth is not enough - we also need to think of and plan for the kind of life we want to live as well as how we are to acquire it, for the Law of Attraction works for those that not only focus on the right things, but take action in regard to their dreams. This is a component of wealth consciousness too, for we must give something of value to the world in order to get compensated generously.
Sometimes this action may involve bettering ourselves, as in enrolling in a college degree program, getting a better job or starting a new business. Whatever needs to be done must be done. By knowing what we want, creating a concise plan to achieve those goals, taking action and leaving the rest to the universe we are building on our wealth consciousness. Then, we will start seeing our dreams take shape, and eventually this succession of steps will lead to true wealth.
The concept that our thoughts greatly influence our chances at success should be embraced as a reality that has positively impacted many lives. Such are the many cases of people who have spent most of their lives broke, but eventually ended up experiencing enormous wealth by just changing their thoughts and having acted on them accordingly.
Like them, no matter what is going on in your life at this present time, you must consciously decide and be determined not to focus on how badly things are going for you now. If you do, chances are you will continue to be in that position of dwelling on the negatives indefinitely.
Remember that your life experience is based on what your spiritual self believes you deserve and can actually attain, and for this you must control your thoughts. Just know that everything you ever wanted is already out there in some shape or form - out in the universe waiting to be manifested into your existence, only by thinking the right thoughts.
Money, opportunities, possessions are all right at your fingertips and you can grasp them when you reach within yourself for that extra ounce of belief... and when you believe, you ignite the creation of wealth consciousness, you change your views of the world and start acting towards the attainment of your dreams and goals.
The kind of thought processes and belief systems we display will indicate to the universe whether we are ready to access all the positive things that are meant for us, and see them manifested in our reality. By maintaining a positive outlook and believing you are deserving of everything good; by planning and executing your plans; and by having faith in it all, you will have acquired wealth consciousness and will start experiencing the money to acquire everything you ever wanted, as well as living an overall wealthy experience.
Learn how your beliefs about money affect your wealth and how to acquire a wealth consciousness in three simple steps, here;