Consciousness is Awareness, and the Point of Awareness is called the Observer, the Soul, the Self.
The Observer is seen as a spark of light, a dot smaller than the smallest particle, and is said to be localized in the heart area (there are many views on this, but this is the most common one). Which is why people ask you to listen to your heart, as it always speaks the truth (not to be confused with emotional imprints carried by the heart chakra; this a separate topic by itself).
This point of consciousness, the Soul, can be likened to the Sun. The Sun at its core is pure, purifying and burns up all contamination. It is so hot and bright that nothing can remain unburnt in its heat and so no pollutants can remain intact in the heat of the core of the Sun.
The rays of the Sun spread out and mix with the Universe and become a part of the atmosphere. And as it spreads outwards, illuminating everything that comes in its path, its intensity is felt less and less as its rays also become mixed with various particles and pollutants.
In the same way, the Soul at its very core is pure light, is the Observer and remains completely untouched by its experiences. It knows the truth of everything and burns up anything that is not true in its light. It is very purifying.
But as the light of the Soul which is the point of consciousness spreads outwards, it merges with the physical world, and in fact projects the physical world. And it is at the level of its outer areas that the Soul allows its circumference to mix with the material world and take on karmic energy imprints as it goes from experience to experience.
And it is these energy imprints which create self-defeating patterns for people, that we spiritual psychologists, teachers and coaches deal with and help change so that better experiences are attracted by each person.
Your whole world is created by your awareness. Whatever you are aware of, is manifested. The key to changing life experiences is to change your awareness.
For example, if you become aware of the possibility that someone can rob you, then that also becomes the reality in which you live. If you become aware of the Divine and the Divine's perfect hand in your life, then that is the reality in which you live. All your life experiences are perceived from that level of awareness, and attract more of it to you. This is where the Law of Attraction becomes applicable.
Many people are aware that they will need education, an active physical life, eating right, etc., in order to be healthy and make a good living. People in different cultures are aware of many different things, and form their habits from their awareness. And so people everywhere around the world are aware of a variety of things and their lives also run accordingly to the realities created by their awareness. We are born with some customs, and some we develop with exposure to society.
However, there is an innate capacity in humans to keep changing their awareness consciously and by choice. By exposing oneself to correct knowledge, people can shift their awareness and then change their lives accordingly.
The science of the Soul is a very interesting subject. There are so many things that people are not aware of which affect their realities, their very world. People are keen on educating themselves in various sciences, and then get married and raise families, but it is so very important to know the very laws and magic that goes into making each one of these life experiences a happy and joyous one.
There is so much wonder out there and within us to experience. There is a whole Universe within us which extends outwards to create our world. Constantly changing our awareness, changes our experiences and who can then say that they are stuck and unhappy? The key to change lies in our hands, and as we use this key more and more, the whole world changes as our reality is so very linked with that of this world. It's the same consciousness that everyone lives in. As one changes, so many change.
Love and Light, Sugandhi Iyer, Coach, Joyful Manifestation,
Author Bio- After studying the Vedic texts of the East, specialising in Krishna's teachings, and the wonderful teachings of the West, a Master of energy and consciousness, I have put together an amazing system to get people to Self-realization and Empowerment. I am a teacher, coach and advisor who helps people make powerful changes in their lives, enabling them to experience relief from fear, and move towards purposeful co-creation with the Divine (Universe) and Joyful Manifestation.