2012年9月2日 星期日

Consciousness Awareness Mind Intuition and Independent Thinking

The world is beating to a new rhythm. Do you feel it too?

Perhaps you've also noticed, that the rules of the game of

life, as we have known them so far, have changed. Most of

the knowledge we have accumulated in the past centuries,

in particular the lessons and the training we received in the

past decades, are antiquated and inadequate. Equipped

with an open mind and sensitive to the super natural, some

individuals have been aware of this change for some time

now. Free of fear they are able to embrace the new and to

meet the challenges they face. They are quick to pick up the

new vibrations and quick to adapt to the new rules that have

not as yet been defined clearly. Those who resist change

and the unknown as a rule, are in for a rude awakening.

One can't help but notice how change is accelerating and is

affecting our lives globally and individually. Nothing,

absolutely nothing is certain any more.

Here's a big welcome to the Age of Independent Thinking;

The Information Age; the Age of Communication and the

Age of Consciousness Awareness. Global, Group and

Individual Consciousness. The individual who is quick to

learn, quick to adapt, intuitive and creative is in now in great

demand. Most wanted is the individual who can think out of

the box. The challenges of our time are such that the

industrial era thinker is threatened with extinction. The inept

individual with an over inflated ego driven by selfish motives

belongs to the dinosaur age. The new individual feels

comfortable with new technology and with the different

cultures of the world. The new individual is balanced

physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The new

individual is family, group, community, nation orientated and

above all globally aware.

Narrow views such as intelligence is fixed at birth and IQ

intelligence tests are out. Today we talk about multiple

intelligence. Psychologist Howard Gardner for example,

in his book 'Frames of Mind', introduced seven measurable

intelligences and later documented over twenty five sub-

intelligences. I personally believe that intelligence cannot be

measured. Ninety five percent of what we know about the

brain has been discovered in the past decade. We know

today that intelligence can be developed regardless of age.

We know that our brain is multidimensional and more

flexible than any computer invented and can improve with

age if exercised properly. We also know that each human

being is unique and is gifted at birth with unlimited potential

for learning. The foundation for global, nation, organization

and group consciousness is the individual consciousness.

In this essay which includes an excerpt from my book

'Visions Unusual' I focus on the individual consciousness

and in particular on 'mind' consciousness. Mind training

has been known in Indian Psychology as Raja Yoga for

thousands of years, according to the widely known

teachings of the sage Pantajali. Pantajali introduced a

mental training technique, where by the individual learns to

develop the higher mind, which is the door to the source of

all power, the Universal Mind.

About half a century ago the Metaphysician and Scientist,

P.D.Ouspensky wrote: 'To know and to understand are two

different things and you must learn to distinguish between

them.' Independent thinking is still very rare and has to do

with a developed mind. We now begin to recognize that the

mind is the sixth sense that mankind is to fully develop in

the new age. The mind is invisible and manifests itself

through the brain. In other words, the brain is a tool of the

mind. To express life there must be mind, but mind is static

unless put in motion. God created the world but he

endowed man with a mind and the capacity to direct energy,

by the power of the mind through thought. The spiritual

Master Oamraan Michael Aiivanhov tells us: 'When mankind

begin to use their mind consciously and take command of

their instincts, when they begin to purify and add the spiritual

element to that level of being, then they become powerful

factors capable of changing their destiny.'

The mind is a complex and a wondrous tool and like

everything else it can be used or misused. It can be used for

simple unimportant tasks or it can be used intelligently. It

can be passive and just store the messages that our five

senses supply, the data of what we see, hear, taste, touch

and feel. Our emotional perceptions and thoughts supply

the rest of the data about our external and internal reality.

Mind can also be active, it can interpret and attract and

create. It can discriminate between various qualities of

information received, it chooses what is important and

discards what is unimportant. It has the power to

discriminate. You are free to create your own picture of

reality and to choose your perceptions. You are free to

choose what you want to believe or disbelieve. Knowledge

for the mind, like food for the body, is intended to feed and

help to growth, but it requires to be well digested and the

more thoroughly and slowly this process is carried out, the

better both for body and mind. Most people are unaware of

and, therefore, do not exercise this ability. They accept

everything as it is presented to them, and become slaves of

their environments. Each one of us has the same power to

perceive, to experience and to learn. What we learn differs,

our perceptions differ, and our applications of our powers

differ. If we change our ideas, we change our actions.

Consciousness can be studied and the best thing we can

do is to begin with studying our own consciousness. Our

conceptual reality is a result of our ongoing method of

thinking. It is through our thinking that we influence

consciousness and our consciousness creates our reality.

The key is to understand the two major components of our

mind, the conscious and the subconscious. The value of the

subconscious is enormous, it inspires us, it warms us, it

furnishes us with names, facts and scenes from the

storehouse of memory. It directs our thoughts, tastes and

accomplishes tasks so intricate that no conscious mind,

even if it had the power, has the capacity for them. The

subconscious mind never sleeps, never rests any more

than does your heart or your blood. Stating specific things to

the subconscious mind to be accomplished, forces are set

in operation that lead to the result desired. All of this is

governed by a natural universal law known as The Law of


We are related to the world without by the objective mind.

The brain is the organ of this mind and the cerebrospinal

system of nerves puts us in conscious communication with

every part of the body. This system of nerves responds to

every sensation we perceive with our five senses. We are

related to the world within by the subconscious mind. The

sympathetic system of nerves presides over all subjective

sensations such as love, joy, imagination, fear, hate,

respiration and all other subconscious phenomena. It is

through the subconscious mind that we are connected to

the universal mind. When we can bring the objective and the

subjective minds into conscious cooperation thereby

coordinating the finite and the infinite, we can then control

our life from within. The Zen Master Thuong Chieu wrote: 'If

the practitioner knows his own mind clearly he will obtain

results with little effort. But if he does not know anything

about his own mind, all of his efforts will be wasted.'

Quantum physics has shown that matter is simply a certain

vibratory rate of energy. Matter is attracted to other matter

and we call this the 'Law of Gravity'. All energies therefore

will gravitate to other energies of the same or similar

vibratory rates. All beliefs thoughts especially when they are

accompanied by strong emotional currents vibrate at a

certain frequency of energy. And so all people, events and

ideas that vibrate harmoniously will gravitate to each other.

Actions do not produce themselves. When we can see that

and understand it, we can see that law does not operate

itself. It is we that cause actions and experience their

reactions. It is we who set up causes and feel their effects.

There is no action unless there is a being to make it and to

feel its effects. This law rules on every plane of being and

every being of every grade is under this law. We never act

alone, we always act on and in connection with others,

affecting them for good or evil and we get the necessary

reactions from the causes set in motion by ourselves. This

presents to us the idea of absolute justice for under such a

conception of law each being exactly gets what he set in


We are told that the student of 'Raja Yoga' or mental

training, has to realize that the mind is intended to be an

organ of perception. The process to be followed is first to

gain right control of the thinking principle. Second is to

stabilize the mind so that it can be used as an organ of

vision, a sixth sense, and the synthesis of all the other five

senses. This will result with correct knowledge and the right

use of the perceiving faculty, so that the new field of

knowledge which is now contacted is seen as it is. That

which is perceived is rightly interpreted, through the

subsequent assent of intuition and reason. Right

transmission to the physical brain of that which has been

perceived, the testimony of the sixth sense is correctly

interpreted, and the evidence as transmitted with occult

accuracy. Result is correct reaction of the physical brain to

the transmitted knowledge.

The entire Raja Yoga, is based upon an understanding of

the nature, purpose and function of the mind. The ability of

the mind to attract, is also under your control. You can chose

your beliefs and thoughts and information will be attracted to

support them. In other words you think success, you attract

success. You think doubt, or fear and you attract failure. You

think wealth and you attract wealth. You think health and you

attract health. You think ill health and you attract ill health.

You think love and you attract love. This is the reason for

repeating positive affirmations to yourself. Through the

repetition of affirmations you can influence and reprogram

your subconscious. Your mind has the ability to create

information and therefore to create circumstances. Many

people still do not understand the importance for the use of

affirmations. The idea is that as you repeat the affirmations

to yourself, your thought through your concentration, is

occupied with that particular affirmation and, therefore,

cannot fall into the trap of a negative thought. In time the

positive affirmation which you are repeating consciously, will

get impregnated into the subconscious pushing out and

replacing the old habit of the negative thought.

If for example you have a financial problem, the more you

worry and think about your problem, the worse your problem

will become. The reason is because you are adding fuel to

the fire, by feeding the problem more energy to keep it alive.

When you, however, ignore it, and concentrate on imagining

money flowing in to you, having trust in the abundance of the

universe and in your mind see yourself doing better,

eventually the problem will turn around. At the same time, it

is important that you engage yourself to do whatever is

within your power to do, in order to help the situation on the

physical level. Remember the saying 'God help those who

help themselves'. If you remember that thoughts are energy

vibrations and if you do not feed the negative with more

energy, eventually it will disappear because you have

unplugged the source, the fuel to keep it alive.

This process works for everything. To know your mind,

observe and recognize everything about it. To the untrained

mind, also known as concrete or lower mind and the myopic

consciousness, life is a startlingly endless succession of

the minute of non essentials. The lower mind loves

exactness and definiteness. Its chief characteristic action is

in discrimination and in assessing relative values. It tends

to analyze and separate, to break down and

compartmentalize, to categorize all that it perceives, to rank

its preferences and to judge and criticize. The small minded

intellectual sorts everything out as wise or foolish, good or

bad, useful or non useful. This attitude has been typical of

humanity in the Piscean age. It gets stuck in the little

unnecessary details and is incapable of a wider view of life.

The Buddha warned us that the untrained mind is a slayer

of the truth.

The universal mind, is the all pervading undistributed

Creative Power. It is your choice to tap into this Infinite

Power. It is in abundance as everything else in the universe.

You are the Master of your thoughts and actions. You are the

Master of your life and what happens to you. Thoughts are

energy and energy follows thought. If you spend your time

thinking and living in the past, plotting revenge, being

unhappy or angry, or feeling sorry for yourself and blaming

others for your problems, or day dreaming about a future,

then you are not only wasting energy but your thoughts

cannot possibly attract anything good to you. Thoughts

attract other thoughts that are comparable to them in

accordance with the Law of Attraction. Through

concentration you can train your mind to influence and

change your thought patterns. Even Winnie the Poof has

some insight for us: 'Down through the centuries, man has

developed a mind that separates him from the world of

reality, the world of a natural laws. This mind tries too hard,

wears itself out, and ends up weak and sloppy. Such a

mind, even of a high intelligence, is inefficient. It goes here

and there, backwards and forwards, and fails to concentrate

on what it's doing at the moment. It drives down the street in

a fast moving car and think it's at the store, going over a

grocery list. Then it wonders why accidents occur.'

The secret of power is a perfect understanding of our

relationship to the Universal Mind. 'Thinking' is dealing with

the magical power of thought and consciousness. When

you begin to perceive that the essence of the universe is

within you - you begin to feel the inner power and you begin

to do things. It is the fuel which fires the imagination, the fuel

which lights the torch of inspiration. It gives vitality to your

thoughts which enable you to connect with all the invisible of

the universe. Experiencing this within you, you are able to

plan fearlessly and to execute masterfully.

In the west much emphasis is laid on the intellect which is

important, except that there is a great danger, as there is in

all things, when the golden middle line is crossed. The

danger is having an over developed intellect. Often an over

developed intellect is mistaken for intelligence. Intellect is

acquired knowledge from outside sources. It is using the

brain, it is ability, it is genius, it is propensity but it is also

most definitely partiality. In contrast Intelligence is reason,

understanding, sense, penetration, mentality, distinction,

discrimination and refinement. In other words intelligence

goes a step further and deeper than intellect, it goes into

reason and understanding. This we reach when we

combine a harmony of intellect and love, the heart aspect.

Or intellect with spirit. The knowledge is taken intellectually

and reflected on an inner deeper level bringing the heart

love aspect into it in order to shed a different light upon it, to

make visible other deeper aspects, giving a wider and more

holistic view.

With an overdeveloped intellect the heart aspect is not

included. Everything happens in the head area, it gives only

a partial view of the whole. No deep thought or reflection is

exercised any more, and facts are accepted and stated as

read or taken from an external material source. Anything

else that does not fit in is flatly rejected. An intellect has no

compassion nor deeper understanding that penetrates

through the physical and the obvious. The inner balance

and harmony is lost when one has an over inflated intellect.

Intelligence, in comparison, is based on deep reflection with

an open mind and a compassionate heart. Intelligence

embraces versus an over developed intellect that

separates. The danger in an over developed intellect is that

it can block the mind, the heart and the intuition and what

more in its rigidity can lead to mental illness.

Here is a beautiful example given to us by Swami

Vivekanda from Inana Yoga, the Yoga of Knowledge, to give

us a simple and clear picture to make us understand, the

difference. Picture this: 'A chariot (the physical body), the

charioteer (the mind), the rider (the Inner Self), the reigns

(the intellect) and the horses (the five senses). Only the

charioteer can communicate with the rider, i.e. the Mind with

the Inner Self. When the horses are well trained, and the

reigns strong and kept well in the hands of the charioteer,

the rider reaches the goal set. But when the horses are not

controlled, and the reigns too weak and not well managed,

then the horses run wild and lead all including the rider to

destruction.' This is the reason for self development and

mind training. The goal through the journey of life, is to

develop and to refine the Inner Self. The self is on the plane

of intuition. A developed mind is necessary in order to

establish communication with the self within, the source of

all things, and to bring out the Omnipresent in you. That is

your power. Mind is synonymous with understanding.

Ouspensky tells us another important truth: 'You can

understand other people only as much as you can

understand yourself and only on the level of your own being'.

Mind consciousness is important to understand oneself.

Margo Kirtikar Ph.D.

August 2000


The Psychology of Man's possible Evolution by P.D.


The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh.

The Power of the Mind by Master Oamraan Michael


The Mind and Its Functions by Gesche Rabten

The Tao of Winnie the Pooh by Benjamin Hoff.

Visions Unusual by Margo Kirtikar Ph.D.

For comments or questions please contact:

Margo Kirtikar is founder and creator of Visions Unusual Zurich 1995. She has lived, studied and worked in the Middle East, Europe and the United States. She is an avid believer in continued adult education, self-growth, self transformation, fine tuning of the personality and the refinement and the soul. As an entrepreneur, she pursued a career in international business for over 25 years and raised a family. In 1991 she began her new career as coach, helping clients through counseling, transpersonal psychology and spiritual healing. Margo has a Ph.D. in the philosophy of Metaphysics. She also has a BA in Business and Economics, degrees in Leadership, Organizational Management, Banking, Psychology and Eastern healing techniques both Indian and Chinese. Her background includes Energy healing, Acupressure, Huna healing, Sufism mysticism, Raja Yoga or the mental kingly yoga, meditation and breathing therapy. Margo travels to lecture, gives workshops and coaches individuals. http://www.visionsunusual.com

