Ever since the early days of human development people have wanted to know the secret of immortality. Searching far and wide, many have made it a lifetime quest to solve this greatest of mysteries! But, is the answer already known to us? There have been many developments within the field of Noetic Science to show that our thoughts do actually have an impact on our environment. You may be familiar with the 'Secret' and the hypothesis that our world is governed by the law of attraction.
Although these theories have become more widespread and generally accepted in recent times, the actual knowledge has been known for thousands of years. The knowledge has survived the centuries in the form of the written word, albeit much of it in cryptic form. Passed to us by philosophers, alchemists and prophets, much of what was written down is converging on what scientists are discovering today!
The fact is, what was written, either through ignorance or deliberate misrepresentation by the powers that be, was interpreted incorrectly. Most people therefore sought the answers to many of their problems outside of themselves. In some sort of God like power separate from themselves! The truth is that we are the center of our world. We create what we experience.
And, the degree to which we can consciously control our world is directly related to our degree of consciousness. If our physical environment is manipulated by thought, our level of consciousness is the power source. How though, can this help us stay young and live long and rewarding lives? If our very thoughts can influence things that appear separate from us then why shouldn't they influence our physical body?
The fact is, they do! It's just that much of what we think about makes us age. When our thoughts are continually dominated by the past or the future in the form of regret, anger, anxiety, worry etc, we both accumulate psychological time and also suffer premature aging through accelerated cell apoptosis.
When we pursue activities that raise our consciousness we begin to see how much energy is wasted in what really amounts to trivia. We begin to master our thoughts and hence control our environment. And, that includes the physical body! You see our level of consciousness has a direct impact on everything we do. From what we decide to put in our mouth to the exercise we take, our consciousness lets us tune in to all aspects of our lifestyle. We gradually sharpen our senses to what is really needed to turn our lives around! So, if we want to stay young and live longer, find ways to develop your consciousness - the best anti aging solution for everyone.
Go to "Consciousness -The Hidden Secret of a long life" to find out more about developing consciousness. If you are generally interested in anti aging please visit http://www.antiagingempire.com for a unique perspective on the issues surrounding longevity.