The subconscious conscious mind are states of consciousness where in terms of personal development and self-awareness, knowledge of their use is used as a means for attainment of higher states of consciousness and mind awareness development. The conscious and subconscious are also terms coined to represent aspects of the mind and knowledge related to human awareness that has to do with living, meaning and how we view life.
The subconscious for example gives meaning through the language of symbols and images. Conceptual thinking, creative ideas, beliefs and abstract forms of thinking are the types of expressions found in the subconscious. It also holds the memory of our life experiences and patterns of genetic behavior related to our upbringing and conditioning.
The subconscious holds the key to greater awareness of mind in terms of thoughts and feelings, however meaning and information from them is really of no use unless it is expressed consciously and with awareness for whatever good reason. Subconscious expressions that pass through to the conscious mind are filtered by the process of logic and reason which makes them more practical and better understood in their expression. Otherwise there would be no sense or meaning to what we do or say or relate to or about.
On the other hand the conscious part of the mind is what gives expression to our waking state and awareness. Our sensory experiences supply information from the outside world that is then assimilated by our conscious thought processes and feelings. Which in turn are sent to the subconscious where they are re-formulated into beliefs, desires and values which in turn are drawn upon by the conscious mind in the form of experiences which make interpretation of our life what it is and how we see it. All the information related to our life experiences is stored in the subconscious as memory.
The conscious mind on its own also plays a part in the re- interpretation of some aspects of the subconscious such as the meaning of symbols, related to the experiences and information it interprets from outside of its own conscious awareness or if you prefer from outside of ones state of self-awareness. However when it comes to interpretation of higher levels of awareness, it relies on assistance from the minds higher intelligence networks such as the intuitive and soul and spiritual aspects of consciousness whose origins are found in the higher states of the minds deeper patterns of subconscious awareness.
The subconscious conscious mind when used in conjunction with self-awareness are the three key aspects of mind used to attain to higher states of consciousness. They also work together to describe the overall quality, life and purpose of human and individual consciousness as major components of consciousness as a whole. They refer to aspects of the mind in terms of our human nature and understanding about what life is and also who and what we are, as well as our relationship to being a part of the universal life force itself.
Higher awareness
The meanings given here in this article on subconscious conscious, refers to higher awareness states as those which fit in reference to the minds intelligence and expressions of individual soul and spiritual consciousness. In a larger sense states of individual higher awareness are connected to consciousness of universal and divine states of being which form the cosmic streams of subconscious conscious activities of which the planes of the human stream of consciousness is but only a segment of.
First off it becomes necessary to think in terms that everything created is fundamentally made out of electromagnetic forces and particles of matter in varying degrees of density. That also includes thoughts, feelings and any state of consciousness regardless of what state it is.
The mind of reason can be applied to anything and made to make sense of it, if it is used rightly and in conjunction with the subconscious mind awareness and higher conscious aware states. When a person is conscious and aware at the time of something happening in their subconscious it becomes possible to see not only how the subconscious patterns of their behavior work, but also how they work from a position of mental detachment, in which the self-awareness has been elevated to a higher mode of consciousness expression which supports enough reason for the validity of those higher states.
When the goal in a technique of development in higher mind awareness includes a conscious interpretation of the activities of the subconscious forces, for clarity's sake the mind calls upon higher awareness energies such as those that are more purified and strengthened by use of the power of the will and intelligence which stem from higher perceptions of the intelligence of mind.
It's through a person's consciousness and their higher expression of it, with its subsequent subconscious expression that conscious choices are made while in those states about their direction in life and their soul purpose and the meaning of it. These subtle and important choices may go unnoticed by the normal waking consciousness of the everyday awareness of mind. Because they are states of awareness made by the higher self and where it may not necessarily be consciously recognized by the normal waking conscious mind, however they still exist nonetheless as a form of higher guidance posited in the persons aura in the form of electromagnetic states of intelligent consciousness to which the higher states of mental awareness are more refined and cultivated.
To some they may be totally unconscious of these states, while to others they may be termed subconscious while yet again to others theses states of higher mind awareness are conscious states of the subconscious whose levels are of a frequency and rate of vibration, where the range in awareness is of a different sense or quality of consciousness but is still perceived consciously, however only by the mind of soul and its senses. The difference being they are simply termed subconscious because they refer to what's hidden from the conscious mind and the physical world as it appears.
In addition, conscious choices made while in higher states of awareness may not be totally recognized or in fact clearly understood at a later date when only in a conscious waking state by a person unless they happen to already have a good working knowledge of how metaphysical laws and principles work. Also when at the time the self-awareness is not particularly focussed on any subconscious activities related to higher states of consciousness. When that is the case quite often any experiences experienced while in a higher state of consciousness become relegated to the minds awareness as an unconscious part of the subconscious--- or at least until a bridge of consciousness has been created by the soul and they are ready to be recognized by it as a conscious process of maturity related to its experiences in the world of physical, emotional and mental matter.
Conscious choices made while in higher states of consciousness are always for the benefit of the soul while on its journey through life as they are used to further increase the conscious use of a person's subconscious awareness applied to their physical, emotional and mental vehicles of consciousness as part of their evolutionary purpose.
The benefits of awareness of higher states of consciousness are there for anyone who takes the time to discover them within themselves. They are valuable aids in mind development which give results that lead to an increase in the awareness of life on a much vaster scale and with a whole lot more significance attached to the meaning and purpose of it.
There are different levels of human consciousness all of which go to make up the awareness of subconscious conscious and unconscious aspects of mind. Higher states of mind consciousness such as for example universal-soul-spiritual-divine or cosmic states; along with the more common states such as the physical-emotional-mental and intuitive nature of consciousness all go together to form part of mind awareness in its varying degrees of expression.
All these conditions of consciousness are in their most basic form states or conditions of energy in varying densities of matter. The higher states are more refined energies of mental awareness whose dimensions are different forms of consciousness formed out of the more subtle electromagnetic properties of matter. The form of consciousness lies hidden as the potentiality of mind in the nucleus of the subatomic or rather sub-atmic (atmic means spirit) particles of the soul's life force until a certain level of self-awareness is sufficiently refined enough as consciousness to attract and emit those energies which are allayed to the souls emotional and mental patterns and designs suited for its conscious expression as a human.
Realistically subconscious conscious unconscious are merely names given by us to describe our human behavior in terms of our perception and reasoning of a higher intelligence and mind awareness where we come to "know" by comparing that "which is known" to that which is "still yet to become known". The whole purpose of life it seems is to become more and more conscious and aware of it; by greater attunement to the forces of the conscious subconscious and unconscious, so that we can experience life better on a conscious level and come to see it for what it really is, and improve upon it where needed, in relation to our individual experiences and thoughts and feelings we get from it as a result of taking a conscious part in all levels of it.
That cannot truly happen unless the levels of consciousness of a person are experienced from a higher state of self-awareness whereby each level is able to be viewed simultaneously; caused as a result of a person's intelligence of each one contributing to that state of higher awareness of mind; which if it pleases we can term the soul for want of a better word. In other words in relation to development of extra mind awareness-better relations in the appreciation of life are formed and the link between a person's soul awareness and their conscious awareness of their subconscious- conscious relationship and higher states of consciousness are better orchestrated by use of their higher self-awareness and the flow of energies being exchanged between the main levels or planes of their consciousness is being maintained as a flow of unity and harmonious expressions.
Greg Clarke is a writer who specializes in writing on topics about personal development awareness. You can check out his latest website at How to Personal Development where he provides a range of information in the form of articles,techniques, tips and products, such as "Mind-zoom" and the article What is Subconscious Mind which describes how to harness the power of the subconscious as a tool for development in extra mind awareness.