There are 3 types of people in life, or 3 ways of living. It all comes down to what "style" is driving them. It also has to do with whether they're controlled by their subconscious mind or their conscious mind. The question is...
What mind is controlling you?
The subconscious mind likes consistent patterns, a predictable environment, and tends to focus on the past. Whereas the conscious mind likes variety, new discoveries, and tends to focus on the future. All of these qualities are needed for a quality life. The Problems arise when one mind dominates the actions of the person.
Of the 3 styles, 2 of them involve having one mind dominate over the other. However before I get too far let me give you the 3 styles of living.
They are:
A Pattern driven life.
A Goals driven life.
A Purpose driven life.
A Pattern driven life: ( also called a rut ) This is a person who likes to do the same things over and over again. They get up, go to work, come home, and spend their evenings doing the same activities. A pattern driven person is most interested in comfort and security over other things. Their lives are primarily based on what they did in the past.
This type of life is a condition of the subconscious mind dominating a persons actions. Your subconscious mind is designed to protect you by avoiding pain. By doing the same things and being in a familiar environment you increase your chances of survival. In moderation this is a very useful thing, in excess it can keep you from the excitement of life.
Because this condition is subconsciously driven it can be very difficult to change. The basic key to changing the subconscious mind is you must use emotions not logic. Don't simply list a bunch of logical reasons you should change. Only by becoming emotional about your life will you ever change your subconscious conditioning.
A Goals driven life: ( there are 2 types ) The first type is a person who likes to live life on the edge. They are always pushing the boundaries of what they can do, finding new challenges to experience, and are generally passionate about life. Adventure gives them a high that they are always looking to satisfy.
The second type is a person who sets goals and works hard at achieving them. They usually have reached a good level of success; are seen as highly motivated and accomplished; and are always looking for the next "big thing". Achievements are what gives this person that high they are always looking to satisfy.
This type of life is a condition of the conscious mind dominating a persons actions. Your conscious mind is always looking for new things that will lead to pleasure. A person of this style is primarily focused on the future.
The problem with this type of life is the pleasure is linked to end results (adventure or achievements). Just like a drug addict these type of people always need to find a new "fix" in order to be happy and rarely do these people ever find fulfillment.
A Purpose driven life: This is a person who knows what their purpose is and finds ways to live it everyday. They find pleasure in both the little things as well as the big things. The mindset of this style is to focus on the present and is a balance of the conscious and subconscious minds. They understand the importance of consistency as well as variety. Only by living this style can a person find fulfillment.
Let's look at an example of how these 3 styles work so you can better understand them. I have many friends who are runners so I will use running as the example.
A person who is pattern driven will focus on running 5 miles four times a week. They will feel stress if they miss a day and get pleasure by being consistent in their running. Races are a secondary thought.
A person who is goals driven will focus on the upcoming race. They won't care if they miss a day but will feel stress if they believe they won't be ready in time for the race. They will get pleasure when they cross the finish line.
A person who is purpose driven will focus on the idea of being a runner. They will get pleasure every time they run, when they talk to someone about running, or even when they are buying new running shoes. Everything that is linked to being a runner will be pleasurable to this person.
As you can see all three people are doing the same thing but living 3 different styles of life. It doesn't so much matter what you are doing as it does on your focus.
Final point to remember is that people can use different styles under different conditions. Some people might be one way at work yet another way at home. The thing to remember is what your focus is and how you get pleasure from your life. So go out and find a way to live a purpose driven life ( step one is finding your purpose ).
Jeremy T. Jordan is a dynamic Speaker and Personal Life Coach that specializes in the areas of Success, Happiness, and Fulfillment. He is the founder of Why U Can Life Management; a personal development system designed to empower people with the knowledge and skills of self-mastery. For more information on Jeremy T. Jordan or the Why U Can Life Management System go to his website