Everyday life contains multiple different choices that we make sometimes out of routines, and on other occasions based on rational- or emotional reflections. Despite common beliefs, a smart person makes both, emotional- and reasoned decisions as the conscious mind is only able to process information 60bits/s, wherein the sub-conscious has been estimated to have a capacity of 11 200 000bits/s, and thus it is a marriage made in heaven that a person listens to her intuition, emotion and reasons by taking also note on both of them.
To make decisions based on the intuitive experience most have come familiar to know what it feels to live with a decision that was not in accordance with one's intuition, the constant feeling that something just isn't right. It is the same when one does not live up to one's own standards but instead chooses to live up to someone else's standards, causing another episode of uncomfortable emotions. Thus, by perceiving that something causes an authentic experience of the need or something one feels fit with, one perceives the truth and not the untruth when it comes to living up to one's own standards.
Human existence isn't something that can be split into conscious and non-conscious self, for everything in human physiology is interconnected. Intuition and emotional responses flare in an instant, and after some line of reasoning, one usually tends to find them to be correct. They are what we either feel right or wrong about, "there's something suspicious about this", and such instinctive emotions should be trusted, as it is also to trust oneself.
Measure the difference with need and desire. Say instead whenever you desire something that you need it, and you will learn the true measures between them. Need as a word has more honesty and clarity than the word desire, and the real desires are in your needs, for desires tend to be shortly outlived. Consistency in reaching goals is one of the keys on reaching the desired circumstances, but consistency in living up to one's own standards may well be lost by following shortly outlived flares of desires. You're saving money, but decide to go into a triathlon on a shopping spree.
The bounds of vain desires are in the boundaries of imagination, but needs are the language of your hearts desires. And what comes to the perception of truths, all persons have an authentic compass that guides the sense between truth and untruth. If you do against what you experience as the truth, you will become internally conflicted, and sense that your authentic experience is against it. Internal honesty can be at first weighty in realizations, and it is not easy for example to admit that one is living in a fantasy of circumstances that are non-existent, but the truth is most powerful path of existence, outside of the dream living, guided not blindly, but by truths.
Henry M. Piironen is the author of "The Power of Transiency (How Thoughts Can Harness the Power of Life, the Universe and Everything)." To purchase this definitive book, visit Amazon Kindle Store now! Already read it? To purchase his other books, click here.