2012年10月2日 星期二

Inducing Consciousness

Inducing Consciousness means to make yourself more conscious or aware.

Want to try it? It takes about 2 minutes to experience.

Inducing Consciousness by Mental Transition

1. Have a seat somewhere and sit upright.

2. Relax your shoulders and wherever else there is tension. Take in a deep breath.

3. Now this part is important. For 1 minute, focus on only how your body feels. For example, how your clothes feel on your skin.

4. Notice that as long as you are paying attention to how you feel, your mind stays quiet. ....interesting!

5. Listen to the sounds from your environment. Were you aware of those before?

6. This is what Inducing Consciousness feels like. You are now more Conscious! You also have limited mind chatter - Great!

7. You learned a great skill! If you ever get too wrapped up in your thoughts, remember to focus on how the body feels and you can always go back to this aware place.

Here's another quick way to Induce Consciousness

Inducing Consciousness by Breathing

1. Sit upright and relax.

2. Take in a deep breath.

3. Making a small opening with your lips, push the breath out slowly and completely, using a little force.

4. Do this 3 times.

5. Yeah! That new energy you feel is due to an increase of oxygen. Your mind feels sharper.

"Consciousness is the living awareness or spirit inside, whereas thinking is what the brain does to function."

More on Inducing Consciousness

These examples are really only the tip of the iceberg. GREATER LEVELS of consciousness are achieved by:

*Steady practice of inducing consciousness, through Meditation or Mindfulness.

*You must be aware of the part of you that 'Reaches Out' and Feels. Practice this.

*Visualize energy accumulate inside you as you literally build your conscious spirit.

Inducing Consciousness on a regular basis in meditation is, I think, the best way to achieve these greater levels of consciousness.

But when we talk about Inducing Consciousness, what are we really talking about? It's Awareness! It's being AWARE of more - which means being more ALIVE!

What tools are you actually using to be aware? I believe the Sixth Sense plays an important role; that part of you that reaches out and FEELS your surroundings, yes that is the Sixth Sense. After all, you're not using your basic 5 senses to do it, right?

There's a ton of Free Material on Inducing Consciousness on the "Free Audio" page on this site: http://www.hbidynamics.com

If you're curious about what levels of consciousness are actually possible, practice often and be patient; this isn't fast-food. Building true consciousness is a process of steadily accumulating energy.

Higher Balance Institute is the world leader in advanced programs for spiritual growth and development of the psychic sense. It is the most comprehensive and unique program of its kind. Designed to produce direct, real personal paranormal experiences to learn from. Our mission is simple - to awaken the world one mind at a time. For more information and free eBooks visit us at www.higherbalance.com

