2012年10月14日 星期日

Lessons on Building a Wealth Consciousness - Eliminating Fear

Learning How to Build a Wealth Consciousness has changed my life. I am not a millionaire (yet) but I am making progress. At the beginning of my wealth consciousness education I was $100,000 dollars in debt. Any person who is in debt will appreciate any information about making progress and debt elimination.

Building a wealth consciousness is not something that will guarantee you financial success over night. Like I said, I'm not a millionaire (yet). It does take time but I have found that developing a wealth consciousness and using practical money management techniques has expedited my debt elimination progress.

There are more tips than I can give you in this one article but one thing I would like to address is fear and panic. Once I graduated from college and realized I had $100,000 in debt and no job, I didn't panic. I knew that panic would block me from seeing the solution. Realize that everything will be okay. Don't fear bill collectors (they are only people making a living). Don't fall into negative thought patterns that make you believe you have no options or less than what you truly have. You have options. You can stay where you are or keep it moving. Getting out of debt is a process just like getting in to debt is a process. The only difference is this time you will be conscious during this process because you are actively building a wealth consciousness.

Fear is simply a distraction. It distracts you from your true potential. Not just in your finances but in life in general. Here are some techniques to remove fear from your consciousness so that your consciousness can focus on wealth and not on lack.

Work through the fear: If you have bill collectors contacting you, do not be afraid of them. Some of them may be nasty (realize you don't have to tolerate bullying) but this is your life and through action you are taking control of your life. Don't give that power to a bill collector or anyone else. Set up a payment plan with the bill collector. If they call obsessively state that you will only speak with them at a certain time (once a month is plenty) and don't answer the phone any other time.

Note: I'm not saying you shouldn't take care of your business because you need to; I'm simply saying that you should guide and monitor the way you take care of your business so that it's effective and not detrimental to your spirit.

Start reading personal finance books and gaining a financial education: When you are armed with knowledge and understanding, it's calming. I was able to come up with a plan for myself by reading personal finance books and I still read them on a regular basis. Two of my favorite personal finance books are the Total Money Makeover and The Richest Man in Babylon. You cannot fear something when you get to know it so get to know and understand your finances.

Become conscious: By seeking education and taking power you will become conscious but become even more conscious by tracking your money and expenses. It's hard to get a handle on your money when you don't know where it's going. I use an envelope system and highly suggest them. You can simply Google "envelope system" to find one for yourself or create your own using envelopes. Create a spending plan for each item and write down what goes in and out of each envelope on the corresponding envelope. By doing this I became conscious of the fact that I love health and wellness products to the degree that a lot of my money was unconsciously being spent on these items instead of other items. Becoming conscious of your spending is the only way to break the harmful and detrimental spending habits that brought you to this place. If you do not do this guess what, you'll be right back where you are in no time.

Think about what I just said, The key here is consciousness. Consciousness means that you are aware and proactive. Consciousness means that you are taking deliberate action to change your life. You are not a victim. Debt didn't just happen to you but you can happen to your debt. Once I became conscious, I was able to get a job, double my income, and build an Empowerment Coaching business. Build a wealth consciousness today!

Kimmy B. is an Empowerment Coach who specializes in debt reduction and elimination. She focuses on helping her clients change their relationship to money, discover their purpose & how they can profit from their gifts, and getting out of debt. Kimmy B. also has a personal finance blog at [http://www.prosperityblogger.org] Visit today to get free money management tips. Request a FREE consultation at [http://www.empowermentblognetwork.synthasite.com/coaching.php]

