2012年10月6日 星期六

Living With Awareness: A Process, Not an Event

I would like to take a moment to clarify what I said about living with awareness, in an earlier article entitled "Living With Awareness: Are you Living by Default?".

When I said, "Just think about it....you can teach yourself to start living with awareness in just a month's time!" The key word in that sentence was "START".

I didn't mean to imply that you could live fully with awareness in 30 days....and I hope that my article didn't set up false expectations for you.

In fact, while it is possible to achieve awareness or consciousness instantly (Buddha did it), it is very rare, and considered quite miraculous. Most of us achieve it through incremental change...and that is what I wanted to say in my previous article....that within 30 days, you will have integrated your first step toward living more consciously.

Being able to live with full awareness can take years, or decades, depending on your life path, and how much focus you place on this area of your life.

So please, be patient with yourself...growth comes in stages. Focus on one area of your day where you would like to be more conscious (perhaps you'd like to choose a positive, sunny outlook as you head off to work each morning). Then spend 30 days integrating that positive attitude into your routine. Be gentle and easy with yourself, understanding that, short of a miracle, change takes time.

Growth typically comes through incremental changes, with the occasional big shift thrown in for good measure. So let your first step become solidified and part of your daily routine....and then you can choose another area of your life to bring your awareness/consciousness to.

Elise Fee is a Consulting Hypnotist and Life Mentor - her business "EliseOnLife" helps clients get a new lease on life. Elise works with clients via private consultations, either in person or over the phone.

Elise's many varied life experiences have taught her broader, more expansive ways to view and experience the world and humanity. She writes a daily blog sharing her perspectives on life and humanity, and provides readers with practical, easy techniques they can use to begin living their best life. Subscribe to her free blog today: http://www.EliseOnLife.com

