Children are born intelligent. They are able to speak the truth about what they see. They able to see the world as it actually is. Of course, as they see it as it is, they begin to check-out of it. As the horrors of the world press in on them, they begin to move into the illusion of thought and belief.
As children, we are told what is polite to say; what to do and what not to do. We are forced into seeing the world as our parents see it, which is the way their parents taught them to see it. Gradually, our child brain becomes conditioned and trained to be the way the world is. In our childhood, we are forced to fit into an insane world. Instead of preparing the world for the child, the child is prepared for the world. We have to be made insane in order to fit into it.
Our child brain is conditioned to operate in a certain manner by the time we are four or five years of age. From then on, it's just a matter of adding more information to our already conditioned brains. Our world believes that gaining more information, and a lot of useless information at that, will make us more intelligent. More information actually gets the opposite result. Gaining more knowledge gives little room to "think" outside the box. The box of knowledge is the context of our lives and the content is the knowledge. We are being squeezed into insanity by ideas, beliefs, and the accumulation of knowledge. This is the world of illusion, not the world of reality
.We don't know what reality is. We are taught to believe. We actually go to elaborate buildings and worship some idea of a sky fairy or a supposedly son of a god who lived 2000 years ago or put our foreheads on the ground and our butts in the air or we kiss a wall or ring bells and count beads and all sorts of insanity. Belief makes everyone stupid, and stupid for allowing it.
Have our minds become so conditioned and lazy that we cannot question anything? Why do we just accept what we are told by our parents, the school, the churches, the governments? Do they all have one agenda in mind - to make us unquestioning sheep being led into the slaughter house of war by our beliefs? Is it not crazy for a real live human being to take up weapons to kill another over insane ideas and beliefs? When will we have the guts to stand up to the insanity of belief and say, "enough is enough"?
The old consciousness that has been our guide for thousands of years is no longer viable in our modern world. Perhaps it was necessary for our survival as we worked our way up the evolutionary ladder, but now, it is not only not useful, but it is also destroying us a species and destroying the earth for habitation by all other species.
Belief is the number one thing in the old consciousness that we need to drop and evolve out of. If we do not, we will more than likely not survive our own stupidity. Our survival depends on the evolution of the human mind from the old consciousness of violence into the new consciousness that is now being brought forth in the human. It is a transformation of mind. If accepted and embraced, it will bring forth intelligence, creation, truth, and love to the planet. If it is not embraced, the resistance to the new may well destroy us. Either way, the old will probably not go quietly. It is up to you.
What will you do?
Edward Jones is a Transformational Relationship Coach, Speaker, and Author. His book about the new consciousness is available at You can read more about Edward and watch videos at