2012年7月22日 星期日

A New Consciousness Lives Outside the Illusionary World

Have you discovered that you are living in illusion? Probably not. The you that is living now is not actually living. You are only existing because thought is always there thinking you. Thought is a phenomenal psychological event that took over the human mind somewhere in the evolutionary history of the human causing us to live in thought, putting reality aside. The happening in your head, which is the thinking, is where you are trapped. When you become aware of the constant thinking in your head and realize that you are the one doing it, it is possible to see the illusion in which you are existing.

Once seen, you might ask the question: "Is it possible for me to live outside this illusion, live in reality?" "What is the difference between reality and illusion?" you might also ask. That is for you to discover, but first you need to discover that you are living in a trap of your own invention - one that has been handed down for thousands upon thousands of years and one that you accepted.

Only when you see the trap that you are in is it possible to get out of it. First, however, you will need to discover the operation of the trap; how it is put together and where the lever is that will unlock the trap.

Being in the trap is the illusion or the action of living the illusion. You are at the effect of the illusion. However, the trap itself is real, and seeing the trap opens the possibility of living your life while discovering the trap; how it is put together.

It is simple. It is put together with lies, and truth is the lever that will unlock the trap. Collectively and individually our lives are put together by 99 percent lie. To discover these lies while walking around on the planet is the secret to life-your life.

For bringing forth a new consciousness within yourself, please visit: http://newconsciousnesscoach.com


Edward Jones, Personal Transformation Facilitator

