2012年7月22日 星期日

Your Degree of Happiness Depends on Your Degree of Conscious Living

The more you live consciously, with awareness of how the world really works, the happier you are. The path to happiness leads those who know they alone are responsible for how their lives look, to their desires.

Most people think that life happens to them. They look outside of themselves for someone or something to blame when they fail to live their dreams. They chalk their defeats up to circumstances, current events, their jobs, their spouses, their kids, the weather-you name it.

People without awareness live in a dream state, a trance, actually. It is most accurate to say they are asleep to the ways of the world. They see themselves as innocent victims with no control to change their predicament.

When sleeping people pray they plead, they bargain-they expect a supernatural force to do for them what they must do for themselves. Only they really believe they are pawns in the game of life. Hmm.

Most people define themselves by what they do. There is an old saying, "You aren't what you think you are. But what you think, you are." They live in the first part of that sentence. They either do not know about the second part or refuse to accept the possibility that it could be true.

People who live consciously take responsibility for how they create their world and everything that happens to them. They can even step back and see how their thoughts empower or disempower them.

When people understand how their thoughts become real they know what to do to change what they do not like in their world. Well, maybe they feel uncertain how to proceed but they certainly understand the only way to change is make that decision and go within to find the power to move forward.

Conscious living allows people to take charge of their life journey and make sure they reach their final destination of happiness and love. With awareness comes well being across one's life.

Want to learn more about how to be happier and change your unknown belief systems that stop you cold? Grab Ali Bierman's free ebook What You Don't Know You Don't Know now at http://www.creatingthelife.com/ebook2.html.

