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Home Page > Health > Alternative Medicine > Self-Massages & Acupuncture Self-Massages & Acupuncture Posted: Jun 16, 2012 |

Simple Acupoint Massages in Enhancing Intimate Relationship
(Couples should engage in mutual massage for best results)
Firstly, massage the spinal cord, which Chinese physicians refer to as the main passageway of arteries and veins. Begin the massage by gently massaging the neck area, moving down the spinal cord until you reach the Chang Qiang acupoint at the end of the coccyx. This acupoint can treat nocturnal emission, erectile dysfunction and ailments related to kidney essence.
Secondly, move along the spinal cord and brush your hands across your partners thighs and focus on the feet. Gently massage both feet, as this allows your partner to feel your enduring passion, which brings a great deal of satisfaction to some people.
ln addition, gently place your palms below the belly button. The Guan Yuan acupoint is located below the belly button and this can act as the centre for abdominal massages performed in a circular motion. This massage helps to augment qi and tonifies middle qi, which in turn warms the kidneys and strengthens the spleen. It helps to treat male sexual dysfunction, premature ejaculation and loss of appetite.
Things to Take Note during Self Massage:
Perform these actions before massaging the acupoints, for example: try to relax, take slow, deep breaths, focus your senses on all parts of your body.Lubricate your hands with some massaging oil or baby lotion during massaging.When massaging the acupoints, increase the force applied gradually until you experience a sense of soreness.When mutual massage is performed among couples, some may become sexually aroused in the process, but there is no need to rush into sex. It's best to rest for a short period before slowly engaging in pleasurable sexual activity.Information on Acupuncture
Acupuncture Moxibustion is a healthcare procedure that has been passed down for thousands of years. It is mostly practiced on the main acupoints that contributes to the body's strength and vitality, such as Guan Yuan and Zu San Li acupoints.
lf Acupuncture Moxibustion is performed daily, it can help to adjust and improve the body's immunity and enhance resistance to diseases. That is why this method is highly recommended by medical practitioners.
Here's an introduction to how Acupuncture Moxibustion can be performed by the individual on four strong acupoints. It yields fast results, is easy to execute and is relatively free from the effects of harmful drugs. However do take note that for individuals who have not tried Acupuncture
Moxibustion before, please consult your physician before practicing this at home to avoid causing any injury to the skin.
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