2012年7月14日 星期六

How To Use Free Will To Live Consciously

Our "free will" is a gift beyond measure. It allows you to consciously create your life or to live life in a very unconscious manner. The choice is yours. The secret to conscious living is to use the law of attraction consciously. This benefits your spiritual growth and can be used to define yourself.

There is a force in our make-up that is designed to help us to re-member, that is, become a member once again of who we really are. That force is our spirit, or soul.

Remember, we are all three-part beings made up of mind, body and spirit. We are a triad being living in a world of dualities. That is what the physical universe is. A world of relativity. A world of this and that. A world where every concept has an opposite. A world of duality.

In the absolute realm, love is all there is. In the realm of relativity, love cannot exist without its polar opposite, fear. When both love and fear exist in the same plane you get a whole new set of dynamics working as you throw into the mix this concept called free will.

Free will allows you to choose fear as an experience. Free will allows us to live within a foundational belief system that is based in fear, such as the paradigm of separation that most of the world subscribes to today. Free will allows us to listen to the dictates of our "ego" rather than our "sacred self." Free will has the power to liberate us or enslave us.

It is all a matter of choice. A matter of free will.

There is no absolute in the relative physical universe except the absolute that everything changes moment-to-moment. The reason that change is the only absolute is because we are creating and co-creating our reality and our world in every given moment of now by what we are choosing to create.

Every nano-second of our existence here on the physical realm is dictated by what we create both individually and collectively.

So the true nature of how things work is that we are creating our lives and the world we live in with every thought that comes into our heads, every word that comes out of our mouths and every action or deed we experience here in the physical plane.

Thought, word and deed. This is the creative formula that is the true nature of how things work. This looks pretty simple on the face of it but in the realm of the relative, in order to see something as simple you have to understand the concept of complex.

If humans were fully conscious at all times then we would have no problem with this creative formula of thought, word and deed. We would be conscious of the thoughts that enter our heads, dismiss those thoughts that do not serve us and retain and pursue those thoughts that do serve us.

If we were living consciously, we would monitor our words to ensure that we speak and write only those words that are true for us. We would understand the power of words to heal or hurt and we would speak and write only those words that reflect our innermost aspirations and character.

If we were living consciously, we would be able to see how the actions we take affect everything that is associated with that action. We would not consciously choose to do something that would harm people or destroy the environment in a way that would be detrimental to all living creatures.

If we all lived consciously and made all of our choices from a state of consciousness, we could consciously create a life and a world that would reflect the highest values that we have as individuals and as societies.

However, we live in a relative world of dualities so we have a choice to live and create consciously or unconsciously.

Being unconscious doesn't mean that you are asleep or in a state where you cannot function. You are in the awakened state but you are not cognizant of the decision making process that is an on-going part of your every day life. We are in a continual process of making choices. Everything we do is a choice.

We make so many choices that we relegate many of these choices to patterns of behavior that allow us to just automatically pick a choice that is congruent with how you have defined your life.

Ask yourself this question right now, "Am I living consciously or unconsciously?" If you answered that you are living consciously ask yourself this question, "Am I consciously creating the life of my every intention and desire?" Now ask yourself again, "Am I living consciously or unconsciously?"

Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at: http://www.NutsandBoltsSpirituality.com

