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Home Page > Health > Alternative Medicine > Traditional Ayurveda Treatment - An Overview Traditional Ayurveda Treatment - An Overview Posted: Jun 15, 2012 |Comments: 0 |

Ayurveda is a 5000 years old medical practice having its origin in India. It is a natural and spiritual medical practice that aims at the holistic well-being of an individual. Traditional ayurveda treatment believes in the existence of one absolute source of energy, from which all the energies flows that shape the universe as well as its inhabitants.
That is, according to ayurvedic science, the elements and energies that constitutes the Universe at a macrocosmic level, also constitutes the body of a human being at a microcosmic level. Likewise, following the universal pattern, it endeavors to bring harmony and balance among the elements of our body and ensures the general rejuvenation of mind, body and soul.
Traditional ayurveda treatment looks after the whole life system of an individual, rather than seeking to procure remedies for individual treatments. It is an integrated system of medical science, which perceives the health of an individual as a sum total of the various aspects of his life such as diet, work, mental and spiritual state etc. It is like a web whereby dislodging one aspect may result in the collapse of the whole system. It also looks to the fact that every individual has a unique system of energies within him. Even though basic symptoms may appear to be the same, the root cause may be different. Ayurveda endeavors to detect that.
Basic tenets of Ayurveda
According to traditional ayurveda treatment, the universe consists of five elements: fire, water, air, earth and space. A mini replica of this elemental system is found in the human body. The human body is a composite system of three elements- fire, water and air. A harmonious balance between these elemental energies ensures general good health and longetivity of an individual. In most cases, it is found that one or two of these elements are found in excess in the body. Excess of these elements cause the following disorders:
Air - an ‘air' person is usually thin and bony. He is prone to dry skin, brittle bones, constipation and gas. Consumption of steamed food every four hours is a remedy for this. However, items like broccoli, beans, cauliflower etc are known to aggravate the condition.
Fire - A ‘fire' person is generally a hot-tempered and aggressive person. When this element is balanced the person will have keen leadership and dynamic qualities. A ‘fire' person is prone to develop skin rashes, acne, liver, kidney, ulcers, and gall bladder, blood and heart disorders.
Water - A ‘water' person is prone to develop edema, heart, kidney and digestion disorders. When the element is kept in check the person is healthy, brawny, calm and loyal, but otherwise he may become greedy and lethargic.
Laws of Ayurveda
Traditional ayurveda treatment is principally concerned with the digestion and metabolism system of an individual. According to it, improper digestion of food results in conversion of the undigested food in the body into toxins, which is the root cause of several maladies.
Ayurveda for all
Thus, this science is an all-encompassing practice, which is equally helpful to infants, children and adults. From nominal ailments to serious maladies it cures almost everything.
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Sree Narayana Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research was established in the year 2004 by Sree Narayana Health Care Society. It is a registered charitable society constituted by a group of social workers, educationalists and devotees of Sree Narayana Guru. Sree Narayana Guru, a well respected and devoted figure was a saint, social reformer and educationalist. Above all, he was an Ayurvedic physician. The objective of the society is to impart high quality education, research and treatment in Ayurveda, traditional system of medicine and treatment.?More information please visit – http://www.snayurveda.com/
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By: SN AYurvedal Health> Alternative Medicinel Jun 07, 2012 Diabetes and Ayurveda for a Better CureGlucose is used for producing energy by our body cells. This process takes place in the occurrence of the hormone called insulin. It is formed in the pancreas, but during its absence glucose cannot be used by the cells and hence, it gets accumulated in your blood. When this glucose level rises above 180 mg, it is flushed our through urine, which is termed as diabetes.
By: SN AYurvedal Health> Alternative Medicinel Jun 06, 2012 Discuss this Article Author Navigation My Home Publish Article View/Edit Articles View/Edit Q&A Edit your Account Manage Authors Statistics Page Article Widget My Home Edit your Account Update Profile View/Edit Q&A Publish Article Author Box
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