Power Consciousness is a device made to explain how much energy we use, without having to be a state worker to understand. God Himself has stated that Earth's pathway to salvation is assured and it's up to each of you to assure your own. At this stage God begins to conceive in His Mind the Universe to be created. At this stage, the Divine Power of Action which is the Power whereby God may assume, or manifest Himself as, any form or shape, comes into operation.
So many people are becoming aware of this change in consciousness. A greater awareness of energy and how energy works is helping to bring about this change in consciousness. Power Consciousness is the breath that makes everything live. Consciousness is the source of all the knowledge and power. It is energy which can be expanded by individuals.
Up to and including this stage, Creation is Ideal in the sense that it is very much one with the Mind of God just as a thought or idea is one with the mind of the person who conceives it. The facts of the mind being given in time alone, and in no wise under the conditions of space, and therefore existing without the pale of exact measurement, was the reason upon which he based his assertion and his prophecy. The approach to a knowledge of mind lay through the fields of abstract conceptions, of which those presumed to fit such an entity had to be analyzed and adjusted to other abstractions before a discussion of subjective experience could be entered upon.
The entire Universe consists of various manifestations of God (the Universal Consciousness) which together form the basis of all our experiences. The Universe at this level is purely Spiritual and is inhabited by Spiritual Beings such as Gods (Angels). CONSCIOUSNESS which pervades the universe yet remains. No doubt, God attends to this business of managing the universe; but He is glad to have some help. When the helper is selfless and intelligent, all the powers of the universe are for him to command. So responsive is the Universe to our will that if we can break the subconscious patterns, even for a little while, we can see at least some small part of that which we (claim) we really desire.
Use power consciousness to take control of your business, your relationships, your destiny. Power Consciousness will guide you towards taking massive actions in achieving one goals while making you aware of every action you take. Consciousness-raising is pertinent for power, and be sure that power will not be abusively used, but used for building trust and goodwill domestically and internationally. Acknowledging and aligning all that you do with the consciousness that you are, provides you with an unshakable power.
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