2012年8月20日 星期一

Live, Love, Life - Making the World a Better Place


To live without regret. To meet life with enthusiasm. To be considerate and to give the best you've got. To care about the planet, your family and yourself. To achieve those things you set yourself to reach, and to ensure it's not your second best.


To love with all your heart. To hold back nothing. To learn to override emotion and judgement. To keep your heart open in hell. To rise up after a fall and forgive and forget. To move forward, innocent, open and enthusiastic about the opportunities life brings. To devote yourself without reservation to the significant other in your life


To be as nature intended.

To contribute.

To leave an impression greater than you.

To live authentically and inspire others by your example.

To laugh a lot.

To smile in spite of everything.

To cheer others just by your friendship.

To rub shoulders with like minded people.

To leave a positive impression and the world in a better state than you found it.

For most of us, the idea of sitting around waiting until we get old in order to say we've lived a full life is unacceptable. Real people want a real life, and a real life means no regrets. What are we waiting for and why are we doing what we do? It's a great question. Making more money to make more debts to make more money. It doesn't cost much to live your dreams...

It's long been an established fact that whatever you think about you bring about. The complexity is to really know what it is you want. There's sub-conscious thinking and there's conscious thinking. One we are easily able to control, the other, can be completely opposite.How do you get the two lined up? What if one part of you wants to live in Timbuktu and the other part of you wants to live in New York. If you force the journey, then, without doubt you'll sabotage it. One mind fighting the other is the perfect cause for illness and personal problems.

I'm going to list down some generic ways to help you get in touch with this "other mind" but the list is not 100% complete. There are more.

1. Do nothing

Busy ness is the perfect blocker for inner awareness. In fact, doctors recommend that when a person is emotionally unstable, the best thing for them is to get busy, and it's for just this purpose. To block the sub conscious feelings, thoughts and emotions from interfering with the surface of life. So, the opposite works too. When you do nothing for a while, you get restless and in that awareness you'll notice the power of your outer mind over your inner mind. Being still is a great way to get to know yourself. (Subconscious mind)

2. Play a sport

Discipline of the physical body reveals the argument between the conscious and the subconscious mind. The physical body represents the shallowest mindset, and can, at the slightest discomfort start dominating the whole self, demanding surrender. The subconscious mind on the other hand might drive you till you drop. Seeing the interplay between these two is powerfully obvious during exercise. (trekking in Nepal for example)

3. Do meditation

Although 90% of meditation is really religion in disguise, properly taught meditation in the form of virpasna and Zen can really bring the separation between the conscious mind and the sub conscious mind into focus. One must witness this before inflicting any sort of control.

4. Focus

Left to their own resources, the lower, middle and upper minds seek different objectives. The sub-conscious mind has its own agenda and the conscious mind has a completely different one. The body for example seeks only pleasure and avoids pain. The emotions follow. The mind can be highly affected by the ego and desire for material strength and these can be in conflict. The solution is to focus you total life on a purpose greater than yourself. This merges the three minds, and gets you lined up.

The secret to the fourth proposal is that all life must come from that single point of focus. Your relationship, your wealth, your health, your social contribution must all emanate from your purpose. If not, once again, competing forces will overwhelm your efforts and possibly sabotage them.

Putting your mind to whatever you do, is easy. The challenge is putting all your heart, mind and body toward all you do. When the three line up, you have a very powerful opportunity to create what you want.

With Spirit


After thirty years of exploration and trial and error, Chris Walker settled on the Universal Laws as a guide to life wisdom and well-being. See http://www.chriswalker.com.au After completing his MBA Walker packed his consulting bag and went to Nepal, India and Japan studying Yoga and Zen, and finally returned to his beloved Australia to share his new model of Business leadership, Life and Wellness. Based on the Universal Laws Walker transcribed his knowledge into the Laws of Nature, a better and more everyday way for conscious people to live in harmony. He is often known as the Spiritual Pitbull because of his Straight Talking Aussie approach to life, advice and leadership. Walker has written 8 books on the Laws of Nature including Evolveyabastard, an irreverent look at men in relationships and how they need to evolve to make it work. His earlier book, Innerwealth has remained a best selling book for business people looking for more conscious ways to manage. http://www.innerwealth.com.

Walker confronts myth. He challenges fixed paradigms. He digs for truth. He is unapologetically honest in helping organisations and individuals find harmony within themselves and with the world around them. His teachings around the human condition, success and happiness are astonishing in their simplicity and intuitive compassion. A remarkable insight and a resultant capacity to heal, guide and inspire people on their path. This is his legacy.

